Maslach, G. J.; Schaaf, S. A. Cylinder drag in the transition from continuum to free-molecule flow. (English) Zbl 0112.19201 Phys. Fluids 6, 315-321 (1963). Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 10 Documents Keywords:fluid mechanics × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] S. A. Schaaf, ”Mechanics of Rarefied Gases,” inHandbuch der Physik, edited by S. Flügge (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1963), Vol. VIII. [2] Millikan, Phys. Rev. 22 pp 1– (1923) [3] D. J. Masson, D. N. Morris, and D. E. Bloxsom, ”Measurements of Sphere Drag from Hypersonic Continuum to Free Molecular Flow,” inRarefied Gas Dynamics(Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1961), pp. 643–662. [4] J. R. Stalder, G. Goodwin, and M. O. Creager, NACA, TN-2438 (1951). [5] F. S. Sherman, NACA, TN-3298 (1955). [6] Laurmann, Phys. Fluids 1 pp 469– (1958) [7] C. F. Dewey, ”Hot Wire Measurements in Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Flows,” Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Memo No. 63 (1961). [8] G. J. Maslach and F. S. Sherman, ”Design and Testing of an Axi-Symmetric Hypersonic Nozzle for a Low Density Wind Tunnel,” Wright Air Development Center Tech. Rept. TR-341 (1956). [9] D. E. Emerson and S. A. Schaaf, ”Performance of a Supersonic Nozzle in the Rarefied Gas Dynamics Regime,” University of California Engineering Project Rept. HE-150-72 (1950). [10] J. M. Owen and F. S. Sherman, ”Design and Testing of a Mach 4 Axially Symmetric Nozzle for Rarefied Gas Flows,” University of California Engineering Project Rept. HE-150-104 (1952). [11] G. J. Maslach and R. N. Latz, ”Force Measurements in Low Density Hypersonic Air Flows,” inAdvances in Vacuum Science and TechnologyPergamon Press, New York, 1960), Vol. II, pp. 809–812. [12] J. Aroesty, ”Sphere Drag in a Low Density Supersonic Flow,” Ph.D. thesis, University of California (1962). [13] H. N. Riise, ”Compressible Flow Tables for Air in Increments of 0.001 in Mach Number,” Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Publ. No. 27 (1954). [14] Bromley, Ind. Eng. Chem. 43 pp 1641– (1951) [15] A. Sreekanth, ”Drag Measurements in Circular Cylinders and Spheres in the Transition Region at a Mach Number of 2,” University of Toronto UTIA Rept. 74 (1961). [16] G. J. Maslach and L. Talbot, ”Low Density Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Cone at Angle of Attack,” University of California Engineering Project Rept. HE-150-172 (1959). [17] Schaaf, ARS J. 31 pp 194– (1961) · Zbl 0098.17105 · doi:10.2514/8.5424 [18] F. E. Gowen and E. W. Perkins, NACA TN-2960 (1953). [19] S. A. Schaaf, ”Aerodynamics of Satellites,” Rand Company Rept. R-339 (1959), Sec. 1. [20] Lunc, Arch. Mech. Stos. 8 pp 597– (1956) [21] Lunc, Bull. de l’Acad. Pol. des Sci. 5 pp 47– (1956) [22] Baker, Phys. Fluids 1 pp 73– (1958) [23] D. R. Willis, Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University (1959). This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.