Langlands, R. P. Automorphic representations, Shimura varieties, and motives. Ein Märchen. (English) Zbl 0447.12009 Automorphic forms, representations and L-functions, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. Am. Math. Soc., Corvallis/Oregon 1977, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 33, No. 2, 205-246 (1979). Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 9 ReviewsCited in 67 Documents MSC: 11R39 Langlands-Weil conjectures, nonabelian class field theory 22E50 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields 22E55 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over global fields and adèle rings 20G35 Linear algebraic groups over adèles and other rings and schemes 20G25 Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers 14G10 Zeta functions and related questions in algebraic geometry (e.g., Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture) 11S37 Langlands-Weil conjectures, nonabelian class field theory 11F85 \(p\)-adic theory, local fields 11F27 Theta series; Weil representation; theta correspondences Keywords:non-abelian classfield theory; Artin conjecture; basis problem for theta- functions; continuous cohomology; Tannakian category; principle of functoriality; Langland’s conjectures Citations:Zbl 0412.10017 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF