Tableaux de Young et foncteurs de Schur en algèbre et géométrie. Conference internationale, Torun, Pologne, 27 aout - 3 septembre 1980. (French) Zbl 0468.00006 Astérisque, 87-88. Paris: Societe Mathematique de France. 388 p. (1981). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Brylinski, J. L., Differential operators on the flag varieties [Zbl 0537.14010]Dieudonné, Jean, Schur functions and group representations, 7-19 [Zbl 0483.20006]Andersen, Henning Haahr, Line bundles on flag manifolds, 21-42 [Zbl 0531.20022]Clausen, Michael, A constructive polynomial method in the representation theory of symmetric groups, 61-77 [Zbl 0496.20007]De Concini, Corrado; Procesi, Claudio, Hodge algebras: A survey, 79-83 [Zbl 0514.13008]Fossum, Robert M., Invariants and Schur functors in characteristic \(p>O\), 85-95 [Zbl 0486.20006]Hesselink, Wim H., Desingularizations of orbits of concentrators, 97-108 [Zbl 0483.14012]Jozefiak, T.; Pragacz, P.; Weyman, J., Resolutions of determinantal varieties and tensor complexes associated with symmetric and antisymmetric matrices, 109-189 [Zbl 0488.14012]Kraft, Hanspeter, Conjugacy classes and Weyl group representations, 191-205 [Zbl 0489.17002]Laksov, Dan, Indecomposability of restricted tangent bundles, 207-219 [Zbl 0489.14008]Laksov, Dan, Weierstrass points on curves, 221-247 [Zbl 0489.14007]Lascoux, Alain; Schuetzenberger, Marcel-Paul, Polynômes de Kazhdan et Lusztig pour les Grassmanniennes, 249-266 [Zbl 0504.20007]Morris, A. O., Representations of Weyl groups over an arbitrary field, 267-287 [Zbl 0492.20008]Nielsen, H. Andreas, Free resolutions of tensor forms, 289-302 [Zbl 0508.14041]Popov, V. L., Constructive invariant theory, 303-334 [Zbl 0491.14004]Regev, Amitai, Young tableaux and P.I. algebras, 335-352 [Zbl 0489.16012]Roberts, Paul, On the construction of generic resolutions of determinantal ideals, 353-378 [Zbl 0493.14029]Schenzel, Peter; Vogel, Wolfgang, On liaison and arithmetical Buchsbaum curves in \(\mathbb P^3\), 379-388 [Zbl 0486.14012] Page: −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 2 Reviews MSC: 00Bxx Conference proceedings and collections of articles Keywords:Tableaux de Young; Foncteurs de Schur; Algebre; Geometrie; Conference; Torun/Pologne; geometry; algebra × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF