Dubois, Didier; Prade, Henri Ranking fuzzy numbers in the setting of possibility theory. (English) Zbl 0569.94031 Inf. Sci. 30, 183-224 (1983). The arithmetic manipulation of fuzzy numbers or fuzzy intervals is now well understood. Equally important for application purposes is the problem of ranking fuzzy numbers or fuzzy intervals, which is addressed in this paper. A complete set of comparison indices is proposed in the framework of Zadeh’s possibility theory. It is shown that generally four indices enable one to completely describe the respective locations of two fuzzy numbers. Moreover, this approach is related to previous ones, and its possible extension to the ranking of n fuzzy numbers is discussed at length. Finally, it is shown that all the information necessary and sufficient to characterize the respective locations of two fuzzy numbers can be recovered from the knowledge of their mutual compatibilities. Cited in 5 ReviewsCited in 258 Documents MSC: 94D05 Fuzzy sets and logic (in connection with information, communication, or circuits theory) 91B06 Decision theory Software:ELECTRE × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI HAL References: [1] Baas, S. M.; Kwakernaak, H., Rating and ranking of multiple aspect alternatives using fuzzy sets, Automatica, 13, 1, 47-58 (1977) · Zbl 0363.90010 [2] Baldwin, J. F.; Guild, N. C.F., Comments on the fuzzy max operator of Dubois and Prade, Internat. J. Systems Sci., 10, 9, 1063-1064 (1979) · Zbl 0406.94023 [3] Baldwin, J. F.; Guild, N. C.F., Comparison of fuzzy sets on the same decision space, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2, 3, 213-233 (1979) · Zbl 0422.90004 [4] Blin, J. M., Fuzzy relations in group decision theory, J. Cybernetics, 4, 2, 17-22 (1974) · Zbl 0363.90011 [5] Cayrol, M.; Farreny, H.; Prade, H., Possibility and necessity in a pattern matching process, (IXth International Congress on Cybernetics, Namur. 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