Kolmanovskij, V. B.; Nosov, V. R. Stability of functional differential equations. (English) Zbl 0593.34070 Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Vol. 180. London etc.: Academic Press, Inc. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers). XIV, 217 p. hbk: $ 50.00; pbk: $ 29.95 (1986). The book is devoted to actual problems of stability of systems with aftereffect and to various applications of these. First the foundations of the theory of the equations with aftereffect are exposed in detail. The most important classes of equations with aftereffect include equations of neutral type and stochastic equations. Further on in the book the problems of stability of these equations are investigated in detail. Various methods of investigation of their stability are comprehensively exposed. The book is particularly useful since in it a number of important applications to the theory of the nuclear reactors as well as to control theory, ecology, immunology, theory of viscoelastic media, economics, etc. are given. It can be sucessfully used by mathematicians, physicists, engineers, biologists and economists. Undoubtedly, this exclusive book will stimulate the further development of the theory of function differential equations. Reviewer: D.Bainov Cited in 2 ReviewsCited in 406 Documents MSC: 34K20 Stability theory of functional-differential equations 34D20 Stability of solutions to ordinary differential equations 34-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to ordinary differential equations 34F05 Ordinary differential equations and systems with randomness Keywords:stability of systems with aftereffect; equations of neutral type; stochastic equations × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF