
Stability of a detonation wave. (English) Zbl 0631.76070

We derive and analyze a generalization of the square-wave model for detonation. In the square-wave model, it is assumed that each particle reacts instantaneously, after a state-dependent induction time. All of the heat release takes place in an instantaneous reaction, and absolutely no heat is released in the induction zone. In the generalization of the square-wave model, it is not assumed that all of the heat is released instantaneously, but is released gradually. From this generalized model, we are able to recover the square-wave model by performing an appropriate limiting process. The most important result coming from this generalized model is the existence of a definite value of a parameter, which determines a stability boundary.


76L05 Shock waves and blast waves in fluid mechanics
80A25 Combustion
76E30 Nonlinear effects in hydrodynamic stability
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