Colloque Paul Lévy sur les processus stochastiques. (22-26 juin 1987, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau). (French) Zbl 0649.00017 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France). Astérisque, 157-158. Pari: Société Mathématique de France. 371 p. FF 255.00; $ 43.00 (1988). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually under the abbreviation “Les processus stochastiques, Coll. Paul Lévy, Palaiseau/Fr. 1987, Astérisque 157-158 (1988)”.Indexed articles:Lyons, Terence J.; Zheng, Weian, A crossing estimate for the canonical process on a Dirichlet space and a tightness result [Zbl 0654.60059]Burkholder, Donald L., Sharp inequalities for martingales and stochastic integrals [Zbl 0656.60055]Parthasarathy, K. R., A unified approach to classical, bosonic and fermionic Brownian motions [Zbl 0656.60085]Schwartz, Laurent, Quelques réflexions et souvenirs sur Paul Lévy. (Some reflections and reminiscences on Paul Lévy) [Zbl 0658.60003]Kesten, Harry, Recent progress in rigorous percolation theory [Zbl 0658.60132]Dobric, Vladimir; Marcus, Michael B.; Weber, Michel, The distribution of large values of the supremum of a Gaussian process [Zbl 0659.60061]Dynkin, Eugene B., Representation for functionals of superprocesses by multiple stochastic integrals, with applications to self-intersection local times [Zbl 0659.60105]Gallot, Sylvestre, Isoperimetric inequalities based on integral norms of Ricci curvature [Zbl 0665.53041]Knight, Frank B., Inverse local times, positive sojourns, and maxima for Brownian motion [Zbl 0665.60072]Chung, Kailai, Reminiscences of some of Paul Lévy’s ideas in Brownian motion and in Markov chains [Zbl 0665.60076]Burdzy, Krzysztof; Pitman, Jim W.; Yor, Marc, Some asymptotic laws for crossings and excursions [Zbl 0666.60070]Föllmer, Hans; Ort, Marianne, Large deviations and surface entropy for Markov fields [Zbl 0671.60020]Dubins, Lester E.; Schwarz, Gideon, A sharp inequality for sub-martingales and stopping-times [Zbl 0671.60041]Bismut, Jean-Michel, Formules de localisation et formules de Paul Lévy. (Localization formulas and formulas of Paul Lévy) [Zbl 0677.58040]Rezakhanlou, Fraydoun; Taylor, S. James, The packing measure of the graph of a stable process [Zbl 0677.60082]Milman, V. D., The heritage of P. Lévy in geometrical functional analysis [Zbl 0681.46021]Sznitman, Alain-Sol, A trajectorial representation for certain nonlinear equations [Zbl 0694.60097]Révész, Pal, In random environment the local time can be very big [Zbl 0716.60087] Cited in 16 Reviews MSC: 00Bxx Conference proceedings and collections of articles 60-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to probability theory Keywords:Colloque; Lévy; Processus stochastiques; Stochastique; Palaiseau (France) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF