
Random approximations and random fixed point theorems for non-self-maps. (English) Zbl 0676.47041

The author proves several theorems containing stochastic versions of a theorem of Ky Fan [Math. Z. 112, 234-240 (1969; Zbl 0185.395)] for random operations f: \(\Omega\) \(\times S\to X\) where S is a closed ball in a separable Banach space (or closed convex subset of a separable Hilbert space) and \(\Omega\) is a measurable space. He obtains some stochastic fixed point theorems as applications of general results.
Reviewer: M.Sablik


47H10 Fixed-point theorems
60H25 Random operators and equations (aspects of stochastic analysis)
41A50 Best approximation, Chebyshev systems


Zbl 0185.395
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