
Quasiconformal homotopies of elementary space mappings. (Russian) Zbl 0701.30020

Let L: \(Q\to R^ n\) be a non-degenerate mapping on a simplex Q and z an interior point of Q which decomposes Q into \(n+1\) simplexes \(Q_ 0,Q_ 1,...,Q_ n\). Denote by \({\mathcal F}=\{F\}\) the class of all continuous mappings F: \(Q\to R^ n\), which are affine on \(Q_ j\) and coincide with L on the boundary of Q. It is proved in this paper that for very \(F\in {\mathcal F}\), K[F]\(\geq K[L]\) and the equality holds only if \(F=L\). Every mapping F in \({\mathcal F}\) allows a quasiconformal mapping homotopic to the identical mapping.
Reviewer: Li Zhong


30C99 Geometric function theory
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