Carlson, James A. (ed.); Clemens, C. Herbert (ed.); Morrison, David R. (ed.) Complex geometry and Lie theory. Proceedings of a symposium, held at Sundance, UT, USA, May 26-30, 1989. (English) Zbl 0741.00047 Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 53. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). viii, 348 p. (1991). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Arbarello, Enrico; de Concini, Corrado, Abelian varieties, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, and the heat equation, 1-31 [Zbl 0756.14027]Bryant, Robert L., Two exotic holonomies in dimension four, path geometries, and twistor theory, 33-88 [Zbl 0758.53017]Clemens, Herbert, The quartic double solid revisited, 89-101 [Zbl 0773.14021]Friedman, Robert, On threefolds with trivial canonical bundle, 103-134 [Zbl 0753.14035]Garland, H.; Zuckerman, G. J., Representations of Heisenberg systems and vertex operators, 135-150 [Zbl 0754.17018]Griffiths, Phillip A., Some aspects of exterior differential systems, 151-173 [Zbl 0754.35006]Hain, Richard M., Algebraic cycles and extensions of variations of mixed Hodge structure, 175-221 [Zbl 0795.14005]Looijenga, E.; Rapoport, M., Weights in the local cohomology of a Baily-Borel compactification, 223-260 [Zbl 0753.14016]Peters, C. A. M., Curvature for period domains, 261-268 [Zbl 0782.14004]Saito, Masa-Hiko; Zucker, Steven, On the Torelli problem for fiber spaces, 269-282 [Zbl 0772.14001]Saito, Morihiko, Hodge conjecture and mixed motives. I, 283-303 [Zbl 0761.14002]Schrauwen, Rob; Steenbrink, Joseph; Stevens, Jan, Spectral pairs and the topology of curve singularities, 305-328 [Zbl 0749.14003]Simpson, Carlos T., The ubiquity of variations of Hodge structure, 329-348 [Zbl 0770.14014] Cited in 11 Reviews MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 32-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to several complex variables and analytic spaces 14-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic geometry 22-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to topological groups 58A14 Hodge theory in global analysis Keywords:Sundance, UT (USA); Complex geometry; Lie theory; Proceedings; Symposium × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF