
Systems, models and feedback: theory and applications. Proceedings of a U.S.-Italy workshop in honor of Professor Antonio Ruberti, held in Capri, Italy, June 15-17, 1992. (English) Zbl 0745.00051

Progress in Systems and Control Theory. 12. Boston, MA etc.: Birkhäuser. viii, 402 p. (1992).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Bonivento, C.; Melchiorri, C.; Zanasi, R., Robust binary control of robotic systems, 1-15 [Zbl 0781.93064]
De Luca, Alessandro; Nicolò, F.; Ulivi, Giovani, Trajectory tracking in flexible robot arms, 17-34 [Zbl 0781.93065]
Mohler, R. R.; Wang, Y.; Zakrzewski, R. R.; Vedam, Rajkumar, Variable structure, bilinear and intelligent control with power system application, 35-45 [Zbl 0774.93017]
Ramadorai, A. K.; Tarn, T. J., On modeling and adaptive control of underwater robots, 47-58 [Zbl 0779.93075]
Balakrishnan, A. V., A generalization of the Kalman-Yakubovic lemma, 59 [Zbl 0779.93098]
Brockett, R. W., Pulse driven dynamical systems, 73-79 [Zbl 0772.93019]
Chisci, L.; Mosca, E., Polynomial MMSE deconvolution and its duality with LQGR, 81-94 [Zbl 0824.93058]
Fornasini, E.; Marchesini, G., Topics in 2D systems theory, 95-110 [Zbl 0776.93053]
Lepschy, A.; Viaro, U., Complexity and feedback, 111-126 [Zbl 0783.93001]
Mitter, Sanjoy K.; Schick, Irvin C., Point estimation, stochastic approximation, and robust Kalman filtering, 127-151 [Zbl 0772.93079]
Monaco, S.; Normand-Cyrot, D., Canonical representations of nonlinear discrete-time systems, 153-167 [Zbl 0770.93066]
Picci, Giorgio, Stochastic model reduction by aggregation, 169-177 [Zbl 0780.93023]
Willems, Jan C., Feedback in a behavioral setting, 179-191 [Zbl 0776.93032]
Zoppoli, R.; Parisini, T., Learning techniques and neural networks for the solution of \(N\)-stage nonlinear nonquadratic optimal control problems, 193-210 [Zbl 0776.49024]
Byrnes, Christopher I.; Jhemi, Ali, Shock waves for Riccati partial differential equations arising in nonlinear optimal control, 211-227 [Zbl 0770.35007]
Fiorio, G.; Milanese, M.; Vicino, A., Robust stability and performance in the presence of parametric and norm bounded uncertainty, 229-248 [Zbl 0776.93022]
Freeman, R. A.; Kokotovic, P. V., Design and comparison of globally stabilizing controllers for an uncertain nonlinear system, 249-264 [Zbl 0778.93041]
Guardabassi, Guido O., Nicely nonlinear modelling and control, 265-274 [Zbl 0778.93042]
Isidori, Alberto, Attenuation of disturbances in nonlinear control systems, 275-300 [Zbl 0784.93026]
Krener, Arthur J., The construction of optimal linear and nonlinear regulators, 301-322 [Zbl 0778.49024]
Marro, G.; Piazzi, A., Feedback systems stabilizability in terms of invariant zeros, 323-338 [Zbl 0778.93099]
Morse, A. S., High-order parameter tuners for the adaptive control of linear and nonlinear systems, 339-364 [Zbl 0778.93066]
Sussmann, Héctor J., New differential geometric methods in nonholonomic path finding, 365-384 [Zbl 0777.93014]
Venkatasubramanian, V.; Schättler, H.; Zaborszky, J., Stability regions for differential-algebraic systems, 385-402 [Zbl 0781.93072]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
93-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to systems and control theory
00B30 Festschriften

Biographic References:

Ruberti, Antonio