Arnol’d, V. I. Catastrophe theory. Translated from the Russian by G. S. Wassermann. Based on the translation by R. K. Thomas. 3. rev. and exp. ed. (English) Zbl 0746.58001 Berlin: Springer-Verlag. xiii, 150 p. (1992). Translation of the 3rd, rev. and expanded Russian ed. in (1990; Zbl 0704.58001). Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 62 Documents MSC: 58-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to global analysis 58K35 Catastrophe theory 37G99 Local and nonlocal bifurcation theory for dynamical systems 57R45 Singularities of differentiable mappings in differential topology 58C25 Differentiable maps on manifolds 58K99 Theory of singularities and catastrophe theory 37J99 Dynamical aspects of finite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems 00A07 Problem books Keywords:catastrophe theory; Whitney’s theory of singularities Citations:Zbl 0645.58001; Zbl 0517.58002; Zbl 0517.58003; Zbl 0704.58001 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF