Aull, Charles E. Classification of topological spaces. II. (English) Zbl 0758.54001 Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Math. 36, No. 11-12, 649-654 (1988). Summary: In part I [Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys. 15, 773-778 (1967; Zbl 0171.434)], topological spaces were classified based on the number of distinct sets produced by means of closure and interior operators. This was inspired by the Kuratowski closure complement problem.A space is an \(n\)-space if it has an \(n\)-set and no \(m\)-set for \(m>n\). A set \(M\) is an \(n\)-set if exactly \(n\) of the sets \(M\), \(M^ c\), \(M^{ci}\), \(M^{cic}\), \(M^ i\), \(M^{ici}\) are distinct. A space is a hereditary \(n\)-space if it has an \(n\)-subspace but no \(m\)-subspace for \(m>n\). Compact \(n\)-spaces are classified. A space with at least three nonisolated points is shown to be a hereditary 5-space iff it is either hereditarily extremally disconnected or hereditarily OU (OU = no open subset is resolvable), but not both. Cited in 1 Review MSC: 54A05 Topological spaces and generalizations (closure spaces, etc.) 54G05 Extremally disconnected spaces, \(F\)-spaces, etc. 54D30 Compactness Keywords:Kuratowski closure complement problem; hereditary \(n\)-space Citations:Zbl 0171.43403; Zbl 0171.434 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. E. Aull}, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Math. 36, No. 11--12, 649--654 (1988; Zbl 0758.54001)