Heywood, John G. (ed.); Masuda, Kyûya (ed.); Rautmann, Reimund (ed.); Solonnikov, Vsevolod A. (ed.) The Navier-Stokes equations II - theory and numerical methods. Proceedings of a conference held in Oberwolfach, Germany, August 18-24, 1991. (English) Zbl 0759.00010 Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1530. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. iX, 322 p. (1992). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Antanovskij, Leonid K., Analyticity of a free boundary in plane quasi-steady flow of a liquid form subject to variable surface tension, 1-16 [Zbl 0781.35074]Socolowsky, Jürgen, On a free boundary problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations with a dynamic contact line, 17-29 [Zbl 0781.35055]Solonnikov, V. A.; Tani, A., Evolution free boundary problem for equations of motion of viscous compressible barotropic liquid, 30-55 [Zbl 0786.35106]Wolff, Michael, Heat-conducting fluids with free surface in the case of slip-condition on the walls, 56-70 [Zbl 0783.35049]Borchers, Wolfgang; Miyakawa, Tetsuro, On some coercive estimates for the Stokes problem in unbounded domains, 71-84 [Zbl 0779.35085]Chang, Huakang, The steady Navier-Stokes problem for low Reynolds number viscous jets into a half space, 85-96 [Zbl 0779.35086]Farwig, Reinhard; Sohr, Hermann, An approach to resolvent estimates for the Stokes equations in \(L^ q\)- spaces, 97-110 [Zbl 0779.35087]Galdi, Giovanni P., On the Oseen boundary-value problem in exterior domains, 111-131 [Zbl 0783.35047]Salvi, Rodolfo, The exterior problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations: On the existence and regularity, 132-145 [Zbl 0783.35048]Schonbek, Maria E., Some results on the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to the Navier- Stokes equations, 146-160 [Zbl 0779.35092]Wiegner, Michael, Approximation of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded domains, 161-166 [Zbl 0781.35057]Rannacher, Rolf, On Chorin’s projection method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, 167-183 [Zbl 0769.76053]Süli, Endre; Ware, Antony F., Analysis of the spectral Lagrange-Galerkin method for the Navier-Stokes equations, 184-195 [Zbl 0771.65064]Varnhorn, Werner, A fractional step method for regularized Navier-Stokes equations, 196-209 [Zbl 0776.76060]Wetton, Brian T. R., Finite difference vorticity methods, 210-225 [Zbl 0769.76040]Fursikov, A. V., The closure problem for the chain of the Friedman-Keller moment equations in the case of large Reynolds numbers, 226-245 [Zbl 0781.35075]Inoue, Atsushi, A tiny step towards a theory of functional derivative equations – A strong solution of the space-time Hopf equation, 246-261 [Zbl 0777.35095]Grubb, Gerd, Initial value problems for the Navier-Stokes equations with Neumann conditions, 262-283 [Zbl 0781.35051]Mogilevskij, Il’ya, Estimates in \(C^{2l,l}\) for solution of a boundary value problem for the nonstationary Stokes system with a surface tension in boundary condition, 284-290 [Zbl 0779.35090]Schmitt, Burkhard J.; von Wahl, Wolf, Decomposition of solenoidal fields into poloidal fields, toroidal fields and the mean flow. Applications to the Boussinesq-equations, 291-305 [Zbl 0779.35094]Walsh, Owen, Eddy solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, 306-309 [Zbl 0809.35076]Xie, Wenzheng, On a three-norm inequality for the Stokes operator in nonsmooth domains, 310-315 [Zbl 0777.35057] Cited in 22 Reviews MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 35-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to partial differential equations 65-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to numerical analysis Keywords:Oberwolfach (Germany); Navier-Stokes equations; Numerical methods; Proceedings; Conference × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI