
On quasinilpotents in rings. (English) Zbl 0761.16009

The present paper is an attempt to characterize in a general associative ring with identity those elements which play the role of “quasinilpotent” elements in a unital complex Banach algebra. Two possible definitions of such “quasinilpotent” elements are regarded. The comparison with results in the case of normed resp. Banach algebras (the author [Invertibility and Singularity for Bounded Linear Operators (Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York and Basel, 1988; Zbl 0636.47001)]) shows that the given definition aren’t yet satisfying.


16N40 Nil and nilpotent radicals, sets, ideals, associative rings
46H05 General theory of topological algebras
16U99 Conditions on elements


Zbl 0636.47001