
Differential geometry. Part 2: Geometry in mathematical physics and related topics. Proceedings of a summer research institute, held at the University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 8-28, 1990. (English) Zbl 0773.00023

Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 54, Part 2. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). xxii, 655 p. (1993).

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Indexed articles:
Adams, Malcolm; McCrory, Clint; Shifrin, Ted; Varley, Robert, Invariants of Gauss maps of theta divisors, 1-8 [Zbl 0799.14027]
Banyaga, Augustin, On characteristics of hypersurfaces in symplectic manifolds, 9-17 [Zbl 0792.58015]
Beem, John K., Disprisoning and pseudoconvex manifolds, 19-26 [Zbl 0809.53068]
Bérard Bergery, Lionel; Ikemakhen, A., On the holonomy of Lorentzian manifolds, 27-40 [Zbl 0807.53014]
Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre, Spinors, Dirac operators, and changes of metrics, 41-44 [Zbl 0795.53011]
Boyer, Charles P.; Mann, Benjamin M., The hyperkähler geometry of the ADHM construction and quaternionic geometric invariant theory, 45-83 [Zbl 0791.58028]
Bradlow, Steven B., Non-Abelian vortices and a new Yang-Mills-Higgs energy, 85-98 [Zbl 0806.53028]
Calabi, Eugenio; Gluck, Herman, What are the best almost-complex structures on the 6-sphere?, 99-106 [Zbl 0790.53036]
Cordero, Luis A.; Fernández, Marisa; Gray, Alfred, The failure of complex and symplectic manifolds to be Kählerian, 107-123 [Zbl 0803.53024]
Corlette, Kevin, Nonabelian Hodge theory, 125-144 [Zbl 0789.58006]
Dai, Xianzhe, Geometric invariants and their adiabatic limits, 145-156 [Zbl 0792.58036]
Derdzinski, Andrzej, Geometry of elementary particles, 157-171 [Zbl 0793.53077]
DeTurck, Dennis; Goldschmidt, Hubert; Talvacchia, Janet, Existence of connections with prescribed Yang-Mills currents, 173-182 [Zbl 0804.53039]
Drager, Lance D.; Foote, Robert L., Vector bundles over homogeneous spaces and complete, locally symmetric spaces, 183-189 [Zbl 0795.53050]
Drumm, Todd A., Margulis space-times, 191-195 [Zbl 0900.57006]
Duncan, D.; Ihrig, E., Incomplete flat homogeneous geometries, 197-202 [Zbl 0803.53033]
Ehrlich, Paul E.; Emch, Gerard G., Geodesic and causal behavior of gravitational plane waves: Astigmatic conjugacy, 203-209 [Zbl 0795.53060]
Fu, Joseph H. G., Curvature of singular spaces via the normal cycle, 211-221 [Zbl 0796.53070]
Fulp, Ronald O., The nonintegrable phase factor and gauge theory, 223-247 [Zbl 0791.58019]
Galloway, Gregory J., The Lorentzian version of the Cheeger-Gromoll splitting theorem and its application to general relativity, 249-257 [Zbl 0792.53060]
Gauduchon, Paul, Weyl structures on self-dual conformal manifolds, 259-270 [Zbl 0799.53049]
Glazebrook, James F.; Kamber, Franz W., Chiral anomalies and Dirac families in Riemannian foliations, 271-286 [Zbl 0793.58040]
Harris, Steven G., What is the shape of space in a spacetime?, 287-296 [Zbl 0796.53066]
Helfer, Adam D., The kinematics of the gravitational field, 297-316 [Zbl 0796.53086]
Helgason, Sigurdur, Support theorems in integral geometry and their applications, 317-323 [Zbl 0791.44004]
Hijazi, Oussama, Killing spinors and eigenvalues of the Dirac operator, 325-329 [Zbl 0793.58038]
Jensen, Gary R.; Rigoli, Marco, Einstein metrics on circle bundles, 331-336 [Zbl 0790.53030]
Jiang, Tan; Yau, Stephen S.-T., Topological and differentiable structures of the complement of an arrangement of hyperplanes, 337-357 [Zbl 0795.57012]
Kim, Hoil, The relationship between the moduli spaces of vector bundles on K3 surfaces and Enriques surfaces, 359-364 [Zbl 0806.14027]
LeBrun, C.; Poon, Y. S., Self-dual manifolds with symmetry, 365-377 [Zbl 0790.53037]
Lieb, Elliott H., Remarks on the Skyrme model, 379-384 [Zbl 0806.53077]
Lin, E. B., Geometric settings for quantum systems with isospin, 385-390 [Zbl 0806.53070]
Lott, John, Heat kernels on covering spaces and topological invariants, 391-400 [Zbl 0792.58037]
Lu, Qi-Keng, The heat kernels of symmetric spaces, 401-409 [Zbl 0803.53035]
Millson, John J., CR-geometry and deformations of isolated singularities, 411-433 [Zbl 0805.32017]
Norris, L. K., Generalized symplectic geometry on the frame bundle of a manifold, 435-465 [Zbl 0790.53033]
Phong, D. H., Complex geometry and string theory, 467-527 [Zbl 0799.32009]
Sadun, Lorenzo; Segert, Jan, Constructing non-self-dual Yang-Mills connections on \(S^ 4\) with arbitrary Chern number, 529-537 [Zbl 0804.53038]
Sengupta, Ambar, The Yang-Mills measure for the two-sphere, 539-545 [Zbl 0797.53026]
Sibner, L. M., Examples of nonminimal critical points in gauge theory, 547-550 [Zbl 0796.53026]
Stanton, Nancy K., Spectral invariants of pseudoconformal manifolds, 551-557 [Zbl 0791.58101]
Stern, Mark, \(L_ 2\)-cohomology and index theory of noncompact manifolds, 559-575 [Zbl 0793.58037]
Sung, Wing-Wah, On Calabi-Yau three-folds fibered over smooth complex surfaces, 577-594 [Zbl 0791.53066]
Tian, Gang, Degeneration of Kähler-Einstein manifolds. I, 595-609 [Zbl 0798.53024]
Tong, Yue Lin L., Flat connections on products of determinant bundles, 611-617 [Zbl 0805.32016]
Troyanov, Marc, Riemann surfaces with simple singularities, 619-628 [Zbl 0806.53042]
Yau, S.-T.; Zheng, F., Remarks on certain higher-dimensional quasi-Fuchsian domains, 629-635 [Zbl 0804.53077]
Zucker, Steven, \(L^ p\)-cohomology: Banach spaces and homological methods on Riemannian manifolds, 637-655 [Zbl 0805.55006]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
53-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to differential geometry
58-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to global analysis
81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to quantum theory