Reddy, C. Srinivas; Ali, Farhan; Al-Farhany, Khaled; Sridhar, W. Numerical analysis of gyrotactic microorganisms in MHD radiative Eyring-Powell nanofluid across a static/moving wedge with Soret and Dufour effects. (English) Zbl 07821846 ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 102, No. 11, Article ID e202100459, 18 p. (2022). Summary: The proposed mathematical analysis intends to investigate the behavior of gyrotactic microorganisms to depict their significance in heat and mass transfer in unsteady magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) radiative Eyring-Powell nanofluid passing through a static/moving wedge. The Roseland nonlinear approximation was devised to incorporate solar radiation features into the energy equation, while the concept of gyrotactic microorganisms is used to govern the random movement of suspended nanoparticles. Additionally, the most recently revised model for nanofluid is used, which combines Brownian motion and thermophoresis effects. Through a convenient similarity method, the highly nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) with the auxiliary conditions have been translated into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) The altered equations are then utilized numerically via the spectral linearization method. Tables and graphs are used to demonstrate the influence of physical parameters on velocity, temperature, concentration, and motile microorganisms’ density profiles as well as the friction factor and Nusselt number, Sherwood number, and the motile density organism. It is noticed that fluid parameters decrease the velocity profile also enhanced the static and moving wedge. Moreover, a larger value of bioconvection Lewis number and Peclet number deprecates the motile density profiles. A comparison of current outcomes has been obtained with previous literature and is seen to be highly satisfactory.© 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH. 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