Griffiths, D. F. (ed.); Watson, G. A. (ed.) Numerical analysis 1991. Proceedings of the 14th Dundee conference, June 25-28, 1991, Dundee, UK. (English) Zbl 0787.00029 Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series. 260. Dundee: Longman Scientific & Technical. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 292 p. (1992). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Björck, Å., Pivoting and stability in the augmented system method, 1-16 [Zbl 0796.65056]Buhmann, M.; Iserles, A., Numerical analysis of functional equations with a variable delay, 17-33 [Zbl 0795.65048]Calvo, M. P.; Sanz-Serna, J. M., Variable steps for symplectic integrators, 34-48 [Zbl 0795.65049]Conn, A. R.; Gould, N. I. M.; Toint, Ph. L., On the number of inner iterations per outer iteration of a globally convergent algorithm for optimization with general nonlinear constraints and simple bounds, 49-68 [Zbl 0809.65066]Demmel, J. W.; Dongarra, J. J.; Kahan, W., On designing portable high performance numerical libraries, 69-84 [Zbl 0800.68333]Dongarra, J. J.; Sidani, M., A parallel algorithm for the non-symmetric eigenvalue problem, 85-102 [Zbl 0797.65036]Gregory, J. A., An introduction to bivariate uniform subdivision, 103-117 [Zbl 0803.65012]Lorenz, J., Computation of invariant manifolds, 118-127 [Zbl 0802.65087]Morton, K. W., Upwinded test functions for finite element and finite volume methods, 128-141 [Zbl 0801.65096]Powell, M. J. D., The complexity of Karmarkar’s algorithm for linear programming, 142-163 [Zbl 0809.65056]Schwetlick, H., Nonlinear parameter estimation: Models, criteria and algorithms, 164-193 [Zbl 0794.65101]Sloan, I. H., Unconventional methods for boundary integral equations in the plane, 194-218 [Zbl 0804.65107]Thomée, V., Numerical methods for hyperbolic integro-differential equations, 219-233 [Zbl 0802.65137]Trefethen, L. N., Pseudospectra of matrices, 234-266 [Zbl 0798.15005]Verwer, J. G.; Trombert, R. A., Analysis of an adaptive finite-difference method for time dependent PDEs, 267-284 [Zbl 0796.65094] MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 65-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to numerical analysis Keywords:Numerical analysis; Proceedings; Conference; Dundee (GB) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF