
Markov chain Monte Carlo in practice. (English) Zbl 0832.00018

London: Chapman & Hall. xvii, 486 p. (1996).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Gilks, Walter R.; Richardson, Sylvia; Spiegelhalter, David J., Introducing Markov chain Monte Carlo, 1-19 [Zbl 0845.60072]
Spiegelhalter, David J.; Best, Nicola G.; Gilks, Walter R.; Inskip, Hazel, Hepatitis B: A case study in MCMC methods, 21-43 [Zbl 0840.92012]
Roberts, Gareth O., Markov chain concepts related to sampling algorithms, 45-57 [Zbl 0839.62078]
Tierney, Luke, Introduction to general state-space Markov chain theory, 59-74 [Zbl 0849.60072]
Gilks, Walter R., Full conditional distributions, 75-88 [Zbl 0845.62024]
Gilks, Walter R.; Roberts, Gareth O., Strategies for improving MCMC, 89-114 [Zbl 0844.62100]
Raftery, Adrian E.; Lewis, Steven M., Implementing MCMC, 115-130 [Zbl 0844.62101]
Gelman, Andrew, Inference and monitoring convergence, 131-143 [Zbl 0839.62020]
Gelfand, Alan E., Model determination using sampling-based methods, 145-161 [Zbl 0840.62003]
Raftery, Adrian E., Hypothesis testing and model selection, 163-187 [Zbl 0841.62019]
Gelman, Andrew; Meng, Xiao-Li, Model checking and model improvement, 189-201 [Zbl 0839.62021]
George, Edward I.; McCulloch, Robert E., Stochastic search variable selection, 203-214 [Zbl 0844.62051]
Phillips, David B.; Smith, Adrian F. M., Bayesian model comparison via jump diffusions, 215-239 [Zbl 0855.62018]
Geyer, Charles J., Estimation and optimization of functions, 241-258 [Zbl 0841.62044]
Diebolt, Jean; Ip, Eddie H. S., Stochastic EM: Method and application, 259-273 [Zbl 0840.62025]
Clayton, David G., Generalized linear mixed models, 275-301 [Zbl 0841.62059]
Carlin, Bradley P., Hierarchical longitudinal modelling, 303-319 [Zbl 0849.62059]
Mollié, Annie, Bayesian mapping of disease, 359-379 [Zbl 0849.62060]
Green, Peter J., MCMC in image analysis, 381-399 [Zbl 0960.68747]
Thomas, Duncan C.; Gauderman, W. James, Gibbs sampling methods in genetics, 419-440 [Zbl 0839.62101]
Robert, Christian P., Mixtures of distributions: Inference and estimation, 441-464 [Zbl 0849.62013]
Litton, Cliff; Buck, Caitlin, An archaeological example: Radiocarbon dating, 465-480 [Zbl 0840.62103]


00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest
60-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to probability theory
60J10 Markov chains (discrete-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces)
60J27 Continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces
60J20 Applications of Markov chains and discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces (social mobility, learning theory, industrial processes, etc.)