Quinn, Frank (ed.) Prospects in topology. Proceedings of a conference in honor of William Browder, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 1994. (English) Zbl 0833.00037 Annals of Mathematics Studies. 138. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. xiii, 340 p. (1995). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Adem, Alejandro; Milgram, R. James, The mod \(2\) cohomology rings of rank \(3\) simple groups are Cohen-Macaulay, 3-12 [Zbl 0928.20042]Assadi, Amir H., Algebraic geometric invariants for homotopy actions, 13-27 [Zbl 0928.55012]Bökstedt, M.; Madsen, I., Algebraic \(K\)-theory of local number fields: the unramified case, 28-57 [Zbl 0924.19001]Cappell, Sylvain E.; Shaneson, Julius L., The mapping cone and cylinder of a stratified map, 58-66 [Zbl 0932.57022]Cappell, Sylvain; Weinberger, Shmuel, Replacement of fixed sets and of their normal representations in transformation groups of manifolds, 67-109 [Zbl 0930.57031]Charney, Ruth; Davis, Michael W., Finite \(K(\pi, 1)\)s for Artin groups, 110-124 [Zbl 0930.55006]Eccles, Peter J., Double point manifolds of immersions of spheres in Euclidean space, 125-137 [Zbl 0928.57035]Freedman, Michael H.; Wang, Zhenghan, Controlled linear algebra, 138-156 [Zbl 0924.19003]Hambleton, Ian; Pedersen, Erik K., Non-linear similarity revisited, 157-174 [Zbl 0928.57038]Hausmann, Jean-Claude, On the Vietoris-Rips complexes and a cohomology theory for metric spaces, 175-188 [Zbl 0928.55003]Illman, Sören, Every proper smooth action of a Lie group is equivalent to a real analytic action: a contribution to Hilbert’s fifth problem, 189-220 [Zbl 0928.57039]Katz, Gabriel, Formal deformations of equivariant genera, fixed point formula and universal symmetry blocks, 221-250 [Zbl 0924.58095]Kreck, Matthias; Lück, Wolfgang; Teichner, Peter, Stable prime decompositions of four-manifolds, 251-269 [Zbl 0928.57019]Morava, Jack, Smooth correspondences, 270-282 [Zbl 1002.57507]Puppe, Volker, Simply connected \(6\)-dimensional manifolds with little symmetry and algebras with small tangent space, 283-302 [Zbl 0929.57026]Quinn, Frank, Speculations on Gromov convergence of stratified sets, and Riemannian volume collapse, 303-313 [Zbl 0929.53021]Ranicki, Andrew, Bordism of automorphisms of manifolds from the algebraic \(L\)-theory point of view, 314-327 [Zbl 0933.57033]Sullivan, Dennis, Exterior \(d\), the local degree, and smoothability, 328-338 [Zbl 0926.57027] MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 54-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to general topology 55-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic topology Keywords:Topology; Proceedings; Conference; Princeton, NJ (USA); Dedication Biographic References: Browder, William PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Quinn} (ed.), Prospects in topology. Proceedings of a conference in honor of William Browder, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 1994. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (1995; Zbl 0833.00037) Full Text: DOI