
A note on strong convergence rates in nonparametric regression. (English) Zbl 0835.62046

Summary: The strong convergence rates in nonparametric regression estimation have been mostly discussed when the error variables in the regression models have finite variances. A few recent studies concern heavy-tailed error distributions for two comparable methods using the kernel and the \(k\)- nearest neighbor estimators. The obtained convergence rates are however noncomparable. Assuming the error variables have finite \(p\)th moments for the same \(p\), \(1< p< 2\), we derive comparable strong convergence rates for these two estimators via a unified approach. This improves the existing results for both the kernel estimator and the \(k\)-nearest neighbor estimator.


62G20 Asymptotic properties of nonparametric inference
62G07 Density estimation
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