Helleseth, Tor (ed.) Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT ‘93. Proceedings of the workshop on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques, Lofthus, Norway, May 23–27, 1993. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0847.00050 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 765. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. x, 467 p. DM 86.00 (1994). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference (1992) has been reviewed (see Zbl 0782.00086).Indexed articles:Johansson, Thomas; Kabatianskii, Gregory; Smeets, Ben, On the relation between A-codes and codes correcting independent errors, 1-11 [Zbl 0951.94530]Safavi-Naini, R.; Tombak, L., Optimal authentication systems, 12-27 [Zbl 0951.94533]Dixon, B.; Lenstra, A. K., Factoring integers using SIMD sieves, 28-39 [Zbl 0951.94513]Demytko, N., A new elliptic curve based analogue of RSA, 40-49 [Zbl 0951.94503]Blackburn, S.; Murphy, S.; Stern, J., Weakness of a public-key cryptosystem based on factorizations of finite groups, 50-54 [Zbl 0951.94544]Nyberg, Kaisa, Differentially uniform mappings for cryptography, 55-64 [Zbl 0951.94510]Beth, Thomas; Ding, Cunsheng, On almost perfect nonlinear permutations, 65-76 [Zbl 0951.94524]Carlet, Claude, Two new classes of bent functions, 77-101 [Zbl 0951.94542]Cusick, Thomas W., Boolean functions satisfying a higher order strict avalanche criterion, 102-117 [Zbl 0951.94506]Carpentieri, M.; De Santis, A.; Vaccaro, U., Size of shares and probability of cheating in threshold schemes, 118-125 [Zbl 0951.94538]Kurosawa, Kaoru; Okada, Koji; Sakano, Keiichi; Ogata, Wakaha; Tsujii, Shigeo, Nonperfect secret sharing schemes and matroids, 126-141 [Zbl 0951.94522]Selmer, Ernst S., From the memoirs of a Norwegian cryptologist, 142-150 [Zbl 0951.94514]Göttfert, Rainer; Niederreiter, Harald, On the linear complexity of products of shift-register sequences, 151-158 [Zbl 0951.94529]Daemen, J.; Govaerts, R.; Vandevalle, J., Resynchronization weaknesses in synchronous stream ciphers, 159-167 [Zbl 0951.94535]Games, R. A.; Rushanan, J. J., Blind synchronization of m-sequences with even span, 168-180 [Zbl 0951.94505]Seberry, Jennifer; Zhang, Xian-Mo; Zheng, Yuliang, On construction and nonlinearity of correlation immune functions, 181-199 [Zbl 0951.94525]Damgård, Ivan Bjerre, Practical and provably secure release of a secret and exchange of signatures, 200-217 [Zbl 0951.94534]Simmons, G. J., Subliminal communication is easy using the DSA, 218-232 [Zbl 0951.94539]Naccache, D., Can O. S. S. be repaired? Proposal for a new practical signature scheme, 233-239 [Zbl 0951.94507]Boyd, Colin; Mao, Wenbo, On a limitation of BAN logic, 240-247 [Zbl 0951.94523]Park, Choonsik; Itoh, Kazutomo; Kurosawa, Kaoru, Efficient anonymous channel and all/nothing election scheme, 248-259 [Zbl 0951.94512]Domingo-Ferrer, J., Untransferable rights in a client-independent server environment, 260-266 [Zbl 0951.94543]Ostrovsky, R.; Venkatesan, R.; Yung, M., Interactive hashing simplifies zero-knowledge protocol design, 267-273 [Zbl 0951.94518]Benaloh, J.; de Mare, M., One-way accumulators: A decentralized alternative to digital signatures, 274-285 [Zbl 0951.94532]Damgård, Ivan B.; Knudsen, Lars R., The breaking of the AR hash function, 286-292 [Zbl 0951.94540]den Boer, B.; Bosselaers, A., Collisions for the compression function of MD5, 293-304 [Zbl 0951.94508]Patarin, J., How to find and avoid collisions for the knapsack hash function, 305-317 [Zbl 0951.94516]Ferguson, N., Single term off-line coins, 318-328 [Zbl 0951.94537]Cramer, R. J. F.; Pedersen, T. P., Improved privacy in wallets with observers, 329-343 [Zbl 0951.94517]Brands, S.; Chaum, D., Distance-bounding protocols, 344-359 [Zbl 0951.94511]O’Connor, L., On the distribution of characteristics in bijective mappings, 360-370 [Zbl 0951.94528]Meier, Willi, On the security of the IDEA block cipher, 371-385 [Zbl 0951.94531]Matsui, Mitsuru, Linear cryptanalysis method for DES cipher, 386-397 [Zbl 0951.94519]Biham, E., New types of cryptanalytic attacks using related keys, 398-409 [Zbl 0951.94521]Brassard, G.; Salvail, L., Secret-key reconciliation by public discussion, 410-423 [Zbl 0951.94536]Beaver, Donald; So, Nicol, Global, unpredictable bit generation without broadcast, 424-434 [Zbl 0951.94515]de Rooij, P., On Schnorr’s preprocessing for digital signature schemes, 435-439 [Zbl 0951.94527]Burmester, M., Cryptanalysis of the Chang-Wu-Chen key distribution system, 440-442 [Zbl 0951.94509]van Oorschot, P. C., An alternate explanation of two BAN-logic “failures”, 443-447 [Zbl 0951.94504]Simmons, G. J., The consequences of trust in shared secret schemes, 448-452 [Zbl 0951.94541]Hornauer, G.; Stephan, W.; Wernsdorf, R., Markov ciphers and alternating groups, 453-460 [Zbl 0951.94520]Park, C.; Kurosawa, K.; Okamoto, T.; Tsujii, S., On key distribution and authentication in mobile radio networks, 461-465 [Zbl 0951.94526] Cited in 2 ReviewsCited in 7 Documents MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory 68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science 94A60 Cryptography 68P25 Data encryption (aspects in computer science) Citations:Zbl 0782.00086 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Helleseth} (ed.), Advances in cryptology -- EUROCRYPT `93. Proceedings of the workshop on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques, Lofthus, Norway, May 23--27, 1993. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (1994; Zbl 0847.00050) Full Text: DOI