Benmakhlouf, Ali Gottlob Frege: Logician philosopher. (Gottlob Frege: Logicien philosophe.) (French) Zbl 0873.01015 Philosophies. 87. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 127 p. FF 45.00 (1997). The book gives an introductory overview on the philosophy of Gottlob Frege, based on interpretations discussed in analytical philosophy and intended for a philosophical audience. The author prefers to call Frege a “logician philosopher” rather than a “logician and philosopher” in order to indicate the intimate association of logic and philosophy in Frege’s work. The author follows Frege’s intellectual itinerary in a chronological way, starting with a discussion of the Begriffsschrift, then presenting Frege’s concept of number and finally discussing his distinction between sense and reference. Reviewer: V.Peckhaus (Erlangen) MSC: 01A55 History of mathematics in the 19th century Keywords:Begriffsschrift; judgement; concept; sense; reference; context principle; foundations; number × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF