Hofmann, Karl H. (ed.); Mislove, Michael W. (ed.) Semigroup theory and its applications. Proceedings of the 1994 conference commemorating the work of Alfred H. Clifford, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 1994. (English) Zbl 0890.00035 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 231. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. x, 165 p. (1996). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Miller, D. D., Reminiscences of a friendship, 1-2 [Zbl 0904.01004]Preston, Gordon, A. H. Clifford’s work on unions of groups, 5-14 [Zbl 0931.01017]Hofmann, K. H.; Lawson, J. D., Linearly ordered semigroups: Historical origins and A. H. Clifford’s influence, 15-39 [Zbl 0901.06012]Rhodes, John, The relationship of Al Clifford’s work to the current theory of semigroups, 43-51 [Zbl 0906.20040]Schein, Boris M., Bands of semigroups: Variations on a Clifford theme, 53-80 [Zbl 0906.20041]Howie, John M., Isbell’s zigzag theorem and its consequences, 81-91 [Zbl 0906.20035]Gleason, Andrew M., On the maps implicit in the Jordan-Hölder theorem, 95-106 [Zbl 0905.20018]Pin, Jean-Eric, Finite semigroups as categories, ordered semigroups or compact semigroups, 107-122 [Zbl 0911.20041]Hofmann, Karl H.; Mislove, Michael W., Principles underlying the degeneracy of topological models of the untyped lambda calculus, 123-155 [Zbl 0907.18004]Munn, W. D., Special involutions, 157-165 [Zbl 0909.20046] Cited in 1 Document MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 20-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to group theory 20Mxx Semigroups Keywords:Conference; Proceedings; Semigroup theory; New Orleans, LA (USA) Biographic References: Clifford, Alfred H. PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. H. Hofmann} (ed.) and \textit{M. W. Mislove} (ed.), Semigroup theory and its applications. Proceedings of the 1994 conference commemorating the work of Alfred H. Clifford, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 1994. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1996; Zbl 0890.00035)