Morley, Michael Two insights. (English) Zbl 0894.01014 Odifreddi, Piergiorgio (ed.), Kreiseliana: about and around Georg Kreisel. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters. 79-80 (1996). The author gives two examples from his own experience of Georg Kreisel’s gift to tell people what is the crucial heart of a subject. The author’s examples are the Cantor-Bendixson Theorem whose significance he learned from Kreisel, and Kreisel’s advice not to teach the Completeness Theorem, because it is more important to know whether the consequences of a particular proof schema are recursively enumerable.For the entire collection see [Zbl 0894.03002]. Reviewer: V.Peckhaus (Erlangen) MSC: 01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies 03-03 History of mathematical logic and foundations Keywords:reminiscences; Cantor-Bendixson theorem; completeness theorem Biographic References: Kreisel, G. × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF