
Advances in robot kinematics: analysis and control. 6th symposium, Strobl/Salzburg, Austria, June/July 1998. (English) Zbl 0903.00091

Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 581 p. (1998).

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Indexed articles:
Dietmaier, P., The Stewart-Gough platform of general geometry can have 40 real postures, 7-16 [Zbl 0953.70006]
Waldron, K. J.; Yang, P.-H., Parallel arrays of binary actuators, 17-26 [Zbl 0932.70011]
Siciliano, B., A study on the kinematics of a class of parallel manipulators, 29-38 [Zbl 0927.70006]
Merlet, J.-P., Determination of the presence of singularities in 6D workspace of a Gough parallel manipulator, 39-48 [Zbl 0930.70006]
Di Gregorio, R.; Parenti-Castelli, V., A translational 3-DOF parallel manipulator, 49-58 [Zbl 0953.70503]
Hayes, M. J. D.; Zsombor-Murray, P. J., Inverse kinematics of a planar manipulator with holonomic higher pairs, 59-68 [Zbl 0935.70004]
Murray, A. P.; Pierrot, F., \(N\)-position synthesis of parallel planar RPR platforms, 69-78 [Zbl 0953.70513]
Keler, M. L., Dual expansion of an optimal in-parallel spherical platform device into a spatial one, 79-86 [Zbl 0922.70005]
Wang, S.; Hikita, H.; Hanajima, N.; Yamashita, M.; Zhao, Y.; Huang, Z., Kinematics and force analysis of a 6 D. O. F. parallel mechanism with elastic joints, 87-96 [Zbl 0953.70511]
Maier, T.; Woernle, C., Inverse kinematics for an underconstrained cable suspension manipulator, 97-104 [Zbl 0953.70509]
Verhoeven, R.; Hiller, M.; Tadokoro, S., Workspace, stiffness, singularities and classification of tendon-driven Stewart platforms, 105-114 [Zbl 1050.70004]
Wenger, Ph.; Chablat, D., Workspace and assembly modes in fully-parallel manipulators: A descriptive study, 117-126 [Zbl 0948.70508]
Baron, L.; Angeles, J., The on-line direct kinematics of parallel manipulators under joint-sensor redundancy, 127-136 [Zbl 0939.70004]
Innocenti, C., Forward kinematics of a 6-6 fully-parallel manipulator with congruent base and platform, 137-146 [Zbl 0953.70508]
Tanev, T. K., Forward displacement analysis of a three-legged four-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator, 147-154 [Zbl 0953.70507]
Brodsky, V.; Glozman, D.; Shoham, M., Double circular-triangular six-degrees-of-freedom parallel robot, 155-164 [Zbl 0953.70506]
Lintott, A. B.; Dunlop, G. R., Geometric modelling of general parallel mechanisms for calibration purposes, 175-184 [Zbl 0944.70006]
Espiau, B., On the mass center of articulated chains, 187-196 [Zbl 0931.70019]
Wróblewski, Waldemar S.; Caccavale, F., A spatial algebra approach to kinematic control of dual-arm systems, 197-206 [Zbl 0936.70012]
Vincze, M.; Spiess, S.; Götz, M.; Zeichen, G., Automatic generation of error models of the kinematics of robots, 207-216 [Zbl 0953.70505]
Pierrot, F.; Benoit, M.; Dauchez, P., SamoS: A pythagorean solution for omni-directional underwater vehicles, 217-226 [Zbl 0953.70515]
Tischler, C. R.; Samuel, A. E., Predicting the slop of in-series/parallel manipulators caused by joint clearances, 227-236 [Zbl 0953.70514]
Wiitala, J. M.; Stanišić, M. M., Kinematics of a split-equator symmetrically actuated double pointing system used in a robotic wrist, 237-246 [Zbl 0949.70502]
Ceccarelli, M., An analytical design of telescopic manipulator arms for prescribed workspace, 247-254 [Zbl 0948.70505]
Fanghella, P., Modular kinematics of planar mechanisms with prismatic pairs and flexible links, 255-264 [Zbl 0949.70503]
Zsombor-Murray, P.; Husty, M. L.; Gervasi, P., Geometry in mechanics, 267-276 [Zbl 0947.70005]
Wohlhart, K., The kinematics of Röschel polyhedra, 277-286 [Zbl 0943.70002]
Stachel, H., A remarkable overconstrained spherical motion, 287-296 [Zbl 0929.70004]
Peisach, E., Analytical kinematics of overconstrained 20-link 24R mechanism: Branches with one, two and three degrees of freedom, 297-306 [Zbl 0953.70504]
Duffy, J.; Crane, C.; Knight, B.; Rooney, J., An investigation of a special motion of an octahedron manipulator using screw theory, 307-316 [Zbl 0941.70008]
Parkin, I. A., Linear systems of tan-screws for finite displacement of a rigid body with symmetries, 317-326 [Zbl 0929.70002]
Tsai, L.-W., The Jacobian analysis of a parallel manipulator using reciprocal screws, 327-336 [Zbl 0943.70004]
Baker, J. E.; Parkin, I. A., On compounding three successive finite displacement screws, 337-342 [Zbl 0953.70501]
Bruyninckx, H.; De Schutter, J., Unified kinetostatics for serial, parallel and mobile robots, 343-352 [Zbl 0947.70004]
Kyatkin, A. B.; Chirikjian, G. S., Applications of Fourier methods to the motion group in robot kinematics, 355-364 [Zbl 0936.70003]
Desai, J. P.; Žefran, M.; Kumar, V., A geometric approach to second and higher order kinematic analysis, 365-374 [Zbl 0938.70005]
Khwaja, A. A.; Rahman, M. O.; Wagner, M. G., Inverse kinematics of arbitrary robotic manipulators using genetic algorithms, 375-382 [Zbl 0953.70510]
Gervasi, P.; Karakusevic, V.; Zsombor-Murray, P. J., An algorithm for solving the inverse kinematics of a 6R serial manipulator using dual quaternions and Grassmannians, 383-392 [Zbl 0936.70008]
Castellet, A.; Thomas, F., An algorithm for the solution of inverse kinematics problems based on an interval method, 393-402 [Zbl 0948.70504]
Pottmann, H.; Peternell, M.; Ravani, B., Approximation in line space-applications in robot kinematics and surface reconstruction, 403-412 [Zbl 0927.51029]
Jüttler, B., Rotation minimizing spherical motions, 413-422 [Zbl 0940.70002]
Arenson, N.; Angeles, J.; Slutski, L., Redundancy-resolution algorithms for isotropic robots, 425-434 [Zbl 0932.70010]
Rico M., José María; Duffy, J., Robot isotropy: A reassessment, 435-444 [Zbl 0934.70006]
Karger, A., Architecture singular parallel manipulators, 445-454 [Zbl 0931.70005]
Mick, S.; Röschel, O., Geometry and architecturally shaky platforms, 455-464 [Zbl 0931.70006]
Röschel, O.; Mick, S., Characterisation of architecturally shaky platforms, 465-474 [Zbl 0937.70004]
Schreiber, G.; Hirzinger, G., Singularity consistent inverse kinematics by enhancing the Jacobian transpose, 475-482 [Zbl 0953.70516]
Park, F. C.; Kim, J. W., A singularity classification for closed chains, 483-492 [Zbl 0953.70502]
Milenkovic, P. H.; Milenkovic, V., Coordination of redundant articulatory parameters near a singularity in the vocal mechanism, 493-500 [Zbl 0943.92006]
Boyer, F.; Glandais, N.; Khalil, W., Jacobian of a flexible manipulator undergoing large elastic displacements, 501-510 [Zbl 0955.74526]
Drouet, P.; Dubowsky, S.; Mavroidis, C., Compensation of geometric and elastic deflection errors in large manipulators based on experimental measurements: Application to a high accuracy medical manipulator, 513-522 [Zbl 0968.70500]
Ruspini, D.; Khatib, O., Dynamic models for haptic rendering systems, 523-532 [Zbl 0938.68861]
Royer, L.; Bidard, C.; Andriot, C., Determination of singularities and self-motion of a 7-DOF anthropomorphic manipulator, 533-542 [Zbl 0947.92002]
Karčnik, T.; Kralj, A., Kinematic stability in quadrupedal locomotion, 543-550 [Zbl 0929.92020]
Hesselbach, J.; Helm, M. B.; Kerle, H.; Frindt, M.; Weinberg, A.-M., Kinematics of the human forearms pro- and supination, 551-560 [Zbl 0931.92019]
Kromer, V.; Rassineux, A.; Gueury, M., The human lower limb system during swing phase of gait. A flexible mechanism with optimized actuators, 561-570 [Zbl 0929.92008]
Lenarčić, J., The self motion of an anthropomorphic manipulator, 571-578 [Zbl 0951.92004]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
70-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems
93-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to systems and control theory
70B15 Kinematics of mechanisms and robots
93C85 Automated systems (robots, etc.) in control theory
70Q05 Control of mechanical systems