
Integer programming and combinatorial optimization. Proceedings of a conference held at Centro Ettore Majorana, Erice, Italy, April 29 - May 1, 1993. (English) Zbl 0908.00035

Louvain-la-Neuve: Librarian CORE, vi, 498 p. (1993).

Show indexed articles as search result.

The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The following conferences (4th, 1995; 5th, 1996; 6th, 1998) have been announced (see Zbl 0875.90002; Zbl 0851.00088; Zbl 0891.00030).
Indexed articles:
Bárány, Imre; Howe, Roger; Scarf, Herbert E., The complex of maximal lattice free simplices, 1-9 [Zbl 0923.90117]
Kannan, Ravi, Optimal solution and value of parametric integer programs, 11-21 [Zbl 0923.90120]
Balas, Egon; Fischetti, Matteo, On the monotonization of polyhedra, 23-38 [Zbl 0923.90123]
Klein, Philip; Ravi, R., When cycles collapse: A general approximation technique for constrained two-connectivity problems, 39-55 [Zbl 0942.68651]
Gabow, Harold N.; Goemans, Michel X.; Williamson, David P., An efficient approximation algorithm for the survivable network design problem, 57-74 [Zbl 0923.90136]
Jordán, Tibor, Optimal and almost optimal algorithms for connectivity augmentation problems, 75-88 [Zbl 0920.05047]
Zelikovsky, Alexander, An approximation algorithm for weighted \(k\)-polymatroids and the Steiner tree problem in graphs, 89-98 [Zbl 0925.68331]
Cohen, Robert F.; Sairam, S.; Tamassia, Roberto; Vitter, Jeffrey S., Dynamic algorithms for optimization problems in bounded tree-width graphs, 99-112 [Zbl 0925.68335]
Galluccio, Anna; Loebl, Martin, Cycles of prescribed modularity in planar digraphs, 113-127 [Zbl 0925.68332]
Zhou, Xiao; Suzuki, Hitoshi; Nishizeki, Takao, Sequential and parallel algorithms for edge-coloring series-parallel multigraphs, 129-145 [Zbl 0925.68344]
Kellerer, Hans; Rendl, Franz; Woeginger, Gerhard J., Computing the optimum stock size, 147-159 [Zbl 0923.90049]
Avram, Florin; Bertsimas, Dimitris, On a characterization of the minimum assignment and matching in the independent random model, 161-169 [Zbl 0922.60026]
Jerrum, Mark, An analysis of a Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating the permanent, 171-182 [Zbl 0925.68209]
Helmberg, Christoph; Mohar, Bojan; Poljak, Svatopluk; Rendl, Franz, A spectral approach to bandwidth and separator problems in graphs, 183-194 [Zbl 0920.05061]
Hoogeveen, J. A.; van de Velde, S. L., Stronger Lagrangian bounds by use of slack variables: Applications to machine scheduling problems, 195-208 [Zbl 0923.90087]
Boyd, E. Andrew, Solving integer programs with Fenchel cutting planes and preprocessing, 209-220 [Zbl 0923.90118]
Lomonosov, Michael; Sebő, András, On the geodesic-structure of graphs: A polyhedral approach to metric decomposition, 221-234 [Zbl 0920.05025]
Granot, Frieda; Penn, Michal, On the (integral) maximum two-flow in vertex and edge capacitated planar graphs, 235-249 [Zbl 0945.68525]
Goldberg, Andrew V., An efficient implementation of a scaling minimum-cost flow algorithm, 251-266 [Zbl 0924.90061]
Pulleyblank, W. R.; Shepherd, F. B., Formulations for the stable set polytopes of a claw-free graph, 267-279 [Zbl 0945.68524]
Garg, Naveen; Vazirani, Vijay V., A polyhedron with all \(s-t\) cuts as vertices, and adjacency of cuts, 281-289 [Zbl 0923.90059]
Clochard, Jean-Maurice; Naddef, Denis, Using path inequalities in a branch and cut code for the symmetric traveling salesman problem, 291-311 [Zbl 0924.90125]
Goemans, Michel X.; Williamson, David P., A new \(\frac{3}{4}\)-approximation algorithm for \(\text{MAX SAT}\), 313-321 [Zbl 0929.90071]
Klein, Philip; Ravi, R., A nearly best-possible approximation algorithm for node-weighted Steiner trees, 323-332 [Zbl 0925.68190]
Khuller, Samir; Vishkin, Uzi; Young, Neal, A primal-dual parallel approximation technique applied to weighted set and vertex cover, 333-341 [Zbl 0968.68568]
McCormick, S. Thomas; Ervolina, Thomas R., Canceling most helpful total submodular cuts for submodular flow, 343-353 [Zbl 0924.90063]
Bertsimas, Dimitris; Niño-Mora, José, Conservation laws, extended polymatroids and multi-armed bandit problems: A unified approach to indexable systems, 355-384 [Zbl 0921.90088]
Queyranne, Maurice; Spieksma, Frits; Tardella, Fabio, A general class of greedily solvable linear programs, 385-399 [Zbl 0924.90107]
Nakamura, Masataka, \(\Delta\)-polymatroids and an extension of Edmonds-Giles’ TDI scheme, 401-412 [Zbl 0920.05018]
Szigeti, Zoltán, On Lovász’s cathedral theorem, 413-423 [Zbl 0920.05057]
Nakano, Shin-ichi; Nishizeki, Takao, Nearly uniform scheduling of file transfers, 425-431 [Zbl 0945.68505]
Sebő, András, Circuit packings on surfaces with at most three cross-caps, 433-446 [Zbl 0920.05022]
Grötschel, M.; Martin, A.; Weismantel, R., Routing in grid graphs by cutting planes, 447-461 [Zbl 0924.90059]
Müller, Rudolf, On the transitive acyclic subdigraph polytope, 463-477 [Zbl 0924.90129]
Jünger, Michael; Mutzel, Petra, Solving the maximum weight planar subgraph, 479-492 [Zbl 0945.68526]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
90-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming
90Cxx Mathematical programming