
Séminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1996/97. Exposés 820–834. (French) Zbl 0910.00034

Astérisque. 245. Paris: Société Mathématique de France, 469 p. (1997).

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Table of contents: The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding seminar (1995/96) has been reviewed (see Zbl 0866.00026).
Indexed articles:
Buff, Xavier, Julia sets of positive measure (after van Strien and Nowicki), 7-39, Exp. No. 820 [Zbl 1083.37519]
Kontsevich, Maxim, Product formulas for modular forms on \(O(2,n)\) (after R. Borcherds), 41-56, Exp. No. 821 [Zbl 0952.11012]
Loeser, François, \(p\)-adic exponents and index theorems for \(p\)-adic differential equations (after G. Christol and Z. Mebkhout), 57-81, Exp. No. 822 [Zbl 0999.12010]
Pansu, Pierre, Volume, curvature and entropy (after G. Besson, G. Courtois et S. Gallot), 83-103, Exp. No. 823 [Zbl 1083.53502]
Waldschmidt, Michel, On the arithmetic nature of the values of modular functions, 105-140, Exp. No. 824 [Zbl 0908.11029]
Abbes, Ahmed, Heights and discreteness (after L. Szpiro, E. Ullmo and S. Zhang), 141-166, Exp. No. 825 [Zbl 1014.11042]
Burq, Nicolas, Semi-classical measures and defect measures, 167-195, Exp. No. 826 [Zbl 0954.35102]
Debarre, Olivier, Fano varieties, 197-221, Exp. No. 827 [Zbl 0939.14022]
Heckman, G. J., Dunkl operators, 223-246, Exp. No. 828 [Zbl 0916.33012]
Valette, Alain, Ramanujan graphs and applications, 247-276, Exp. No. 829 [Zbl 0929.05042]
Bourguignon, Jean Pierre, Einstein-Kähler metrics on Fano varieties: obstructions and existence (after Y. Matsushima, A. Futaki, S. T. Yau, A. Nadel and G. Tian), 277-305, Exp. No. 830 [Zbl 0935.32019]
Boutot, Jean-François, \(p\)-adic uniformization of Shimura varieties, 307-322, Exp. No. 831 [Zbl 0932.14013]
Chenciner, Alain, Towards infinity in finite time, 323-353, Exp. No. 832 [Zbl 0930.70011]
Friedlander, Eric M., Motivic complexes of Suslin and Voevodsky, 355-378, Exp. No. 833 [Zbl 0908.19005]
Kahn, Bruno, The Milnor conjecture after V. Voevodsky, 379-418, Exp. No. 834 [Zbl 0916.19001]
Séminaire Bourbaki, 1948/1949 à 1996/1997, Exposés 1 à 834. Table par noms d’auteurs, 419-469 [Zbl 0899.00008]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 0866.00026