
Advances in decision analysis. International conference on Methods and applications of multiple criteria decision making, Mons, Belgium, May 1997. (English) Zbl 0912.00033

Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 202 p. (1999).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Raynaud, Hervé, Fuzzures and futurgets. Some long range forecasts in MCDM, 1-12 [Zbl 0951.90029]
Bouyssou, Denis; Pirlot, Marc, Conjoint measurement without additivity and transitivity, 13-29 [Zbl 0951.90027]
Laslier, Jean-François, Choice from comparisons: a survey of game-theoretical methods., 31-46 [Zbl 1056.91503]
Larichev, Oleg I., A step to life decision problems: Verbal decision analysis, 47-67 [Zbl 0951.90559]
Marichal, Jean-Luc; Roubens, Marc, The chaining interaction index among players in cooperative games, 69-85 [Zbl 0960.91015]
Belton, Valerie; Stewart, Theodor J., DEA and MCDA: Competing or complementary approaches?, 87-104 [Zbl 0951.90028]
Olson, D. L.; Mechitov, A. I.; Moshkovich, H., Comparison of MCDA paradigms, 105-119 [Zbl 0951.90560]
Tofallis, Chris, Multi-attribute selection using discrete frontier profiling, 121-130 [Zbl 0934.90047]
Bana e Costa, Carlos A.; Vansnick, Jean-Claude, The MACBETH approach: Basic ideas, software, and an application, 131-157 [Zbl 0934.90043]
Rogers, Martin; Bruen, Michael, Applying ELECTRE to an option choice problem within an environmental appraisal. Three case studies from the Republic of Ireland, 159-200 [Zbl 0935.90019]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
90-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming