Hulek, Klaus (ed.); Catanese, Fabrizio (ed.); Peters, Chris (ed.); Reid, Miles (ed.) New trends in algebraic geometry. Selected papers presented at the Euro conference, Warwick, UK, July 1996. (English) Zbl 0913.00032 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 264. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. x, 484 p. (1999). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Batyrev, Victor V., Birational Calabi-Yau \(n\)-folds have equal Betti numbers, 1-11 [Zbl 0955.14028]Beauville, Arnaud, A Calabi-Yau threefold with non-abelian fundamental group, 13-17 [Zbl 0955.14029]Behrend, K., Algebraic Gromov-Witten invariants, 19-70 [Zbl 0966.14041]Eyssidieux, Philippe, Kähler hyperbolicity and variations of Hodge structures, 71-92 [Zbl 0952.32014]Faber, Carel, Algorithms for computing intersection numbers on moduli spaces of curves, with an application to the class of the locus of Jacobians, 93-109 [Zbl 0952.14042]Gizatullin, Marat, On some tensor representations of the Cremona group of the projective plane, 111-150 [Zbl 0980.14011]Ito, Y.; Nakamura, I., Hilbert schemes and simple singularities, 151-233 [Zbl 0954.14001]Küchle, Oliver; Steffens, Andreas, Bounds for Seshadri constants, 235-254 [Zbl 0978.14005]Manetti, Marco, Degenerate double covers of the projective plane, 255-281 [Zbl 0978.14011]Morrison, David R., The geometry underlying mirror symmetry, 283-310 [Zbl 0954.14030]Mukai, Shigeru, Duality of polarized K3 surfaces, 311-326 [Zbl 0948.14032]Paoletti, Roberto, On symplectic invariants of algebraic varieties coming from crepant contractions, 327-346 [Zbl 0984.14005]Paranjape, Kapil H., The Bogomolov-Pantev resolution: An expository account, 347-358 [Zbl 0958.14007]Shioda, Tetsuji, Mordell-Weil lattices for higher genus fibration over a curve, 359-373 [Zbl 0947.14012]Siebert, Bernd, Symplectic Gromov-Witten invariants, 375-424 [Zbl 0974.53064]Voisin, Claire, A generic Torelli theorem for the quintic threefold, 425-463 [Zbl 0988.14021]Wilson, P. M. H., Flops, type III contractions and Gromov-Witten invariants on Calabi-Yau threefolds., 465-484 [Zbl 1077.14567] Cited in 1 Review MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 14-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic geometry Keywords:Algebraic geometry; Conference; Proceedings; Warwick (GB) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF