Dassow, Jürgen (ed.); Rozenberg, Grzegorz (ed.); Salomaa, Arto (ed.) Developments in language theory. II. At the crossroads of mathematics, computer science and biology. Papers from the conference held in Magdeburg, Germany, July 17–21, 1995. (English) Zbl 0919.00068 Singapore: World Scientific. x, 491 p. (1996). Show indexed articles as search result. Contents: Christiane Bercoff, A family of \(p\)-uniform tag systems for \(p\)-paperfolding sequences (3-12); Jean Berstel, Recent results in Sturmian words (13-24); Julien Cassaigne, Special factors of sequences with linear subword complexity (25-34); James D. Currie and Robert O. Shelton, Cantor sets and Dejean’s conjecture (35-43); Lucian Ilie, On disjunctivity, ultimate periodicity and ultimate identity of Paun-Salomaa self-reading sequences (44-53); Jarkko Kari and Valtteri Niemi, Colored Gauss and tangent codes on the torus (54-63); Victor Mitrana, Binary self-adding sequences (64-70); Gianina Georgescu, The orthogonality of some complexity measures of context-free languages (73-78); Peter Gvozdjak and Branislav Rovan, Time-bounded parallel rewriting (79-87); Markus Holzer, On emptiness and counting for alternating finite automata (88-97); Masami Ito, Height functions and linear languages (98-101). Petr Jancar, Frantisek Mraz, Martin Platek, Martin Prochazka and Jorg Vogel, Restarting automata, Marcus grammars and context-free languages (102-111); Joanna Jedrzejowicz, An undecidable problem for shuffle languages (112-118); Lila Kari and Gabriel Thierrin, Morphisms and associated congruences (119-128); Manfred Kudlek and Alexandru Mateescu, Rational and algebraic languages with distributed catenation (129-138); Marjo Lipponen, On \(F\)-prime solutions of the Post correspondence problem (139-147); Codrut Matei and Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea, \((0,1)\)-total pure context-free grammars (148-153); Kai Salomaa and Sheng Yu, Nondeterminis m degrees for context-free languages (154-165); Ina Schiering and Wolfgang Thomas, Counter-free automata, first-order logic, and star-free expressions extended by prefix oracles (166-175); Andreas Weber, Transforming a single-valued transducer into a Mealy machine (176-185); Igor Banik, Colonies as systems of Turing machines without states (189-198). Henning Bordihn and Henning Fernau, Accepting grammars and systems: an overview (199-208); Liming Cai, The computational complexity of PCGS with regular components (209-219); Rudolf Freund, Array grammar systems with prescribed teams of array productions (220-229); Stefan Gartner, On partition limited 0L systems (230-236); Juraj Hromkovic, On the communication complexity of distributive language generation (237-246); Valeria Mihalache, Szilard languages associated to parallel communicating grammar systems (247-256); Owen Rambow, Imposing vertical context conditions on derivations (257-266); Giorgio Satta, The membership problem for unordered vector languages (267-275); Heiko Dorr, Computing an upper bound for SVS(gg) by abstract interpretation (279-288); Frank Drewes, On the connectedness of pictures defined by iterated function systems (289-298); Dora Giammarresi, Finite state recognizability for two-dimensional languages: a brief survey (299-308). Peter Hartmann, Efficient subgraph matching within cellular hypergraphs (309-318); Yoshimasa Kimura and Takehiro Tokuda, Timed attribute hypergraph grammars and their basic properties (319-328); Ra lf Stiebe, Some new decision results for edge grammars (329-338); Hugues Calbrix and Maurice Nivat, Prefix and period languages of rational \(\omega\)-languages (341-349); Arto Lepistö, On the computational complexity of infinite words (350-359); Igor Litovsky and Ludwig Staiger, Finite acceptance of infinite words (360-369); Volker Diekert, Paul Gastin and Antoine Petit, Recent developments in trace theory (373-385); Manfred Droste and Dietrich Kuske, Trace languages definable with modular quantifiers (386-395); Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea and Christian Ene, Hierarchies of Petri net languages and a super-normal form (396-405); Gianpiero Cattaneo, Enrico Formenti and Giancarlo Mauri, Rule space transformations and one-dimensional cellular automata (409-419). Martin Kutrib and Jorg Richstein, Real-time one-way pushdown cellular automata languages (420-429); Jiri Sima and Jiri Wiedermann, Neural language acceptors (extended abstract) (430-439); Peter R. J. Asveld, Towards robustness in parsing—fuzzifying context-free language recognition (443-453); Blanca Cases, From synonymy to self-modifying automata: Q-Diam language (454-459); Jose Fortes Galvez, A practical small LR parser with action decision through minimal stack suffix scanning (460-465); Radu Gramatovici, Introducing the operatorial parser (466-471); Mark-Jan Nederhof, Reversible pushdown automata and bidirectional parsing (472-481); Ulrich Nitsche, A finitary-language semantics for propositional linear temporal logic (482-489). The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Bercoff, Christiane, A family of \(p\)-uniform tag systems for \(p\)-paperfolding sequences, 3-12 [Zbl 1096.68688]Berstel, Jean, Recent results in Sturmian words, 13-24 [Zbl 1096.68689]Cassaigne, Julien, Special factors of sequences with linear subword complexity, 25-34 [Zbl 1096.68690]Currie, James O.; Shelton, Robert O., Cantor sets and Dejean’s conjecture, 35-43 [Zbl 1096.68691]Ilie, Lucian, On disjunctivity, ultimate periodicity and ultimate identity of Păun-Salomaa self-reading sequences, 44-53 [Zbl 1096.68692]Kari, Jarkko; Niemi, Valtteri, Colored Gauss and tangent codes on the torus, 54-63 [Zbl 1096.68659]Mitrana, Victor, Binary self-adding sequences, 64-70 [Zbl 1096.68693]Georgescu, Gianina, The orthogonality of some complex measures of context-free languages, 73-78 [Zbl 1096.68654]Gvozdjak, Peter; Rovan, Branislav, Time-bounded parallel rewriting, 79-87 [Zbl 1096.68644]Holzer, Markus, On emptiness and counting for alternating finite automata, 88-97 [Zbl 1096.68629]Ito, Masami, Height functions and linear languages, 98-101 [Zbl 1096.68656]Jančar, Petr; Mráz, František; Plátek, Martin; Procházka, Martin; Vogel, Jörg, Restarting automata, Marcus grammars and context-free languages, 102-111 [Zbl 1096.68658]Jȩdrzejowicz, Joanna, An undecidable problem for shuffle languages, 112-118 [Zbl 1096.68657]Kari, Lila; Thierrin, Gabriel, Morphisms and associated congruences., 119-128 [Zbl 1096.20502]Kudlek, Manfred; Mateescu, Alexandru, Rational and algebraic languages with distributed catenation, 129-138 [Zbl 1096.68660]Lipponen, Marjo, On F-prime solutions of the Post correspondence problem, 139-147 [Zbl 1096.68662]Matei, Codruţ; Ţiplea, Ferucio Larenţiu, \((0,1)\)-total pure context-free grammars, 148-153 [Zbl 1096.68646]Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng, Nondeterminism degrees for context-free languages, 154-165 [Zbl 1096.68666]Schiering, Ina; Thomas, Wolfgang, Counter-free automata, first-order logic, and star-free expressions extended by prefix oracles, 166-175 [Zbl 1096.68667]Weber, Andreas, Transforming a single-valued transducer into a Mealy machine, 176-185 [Zbl 1096.68668]Baník, Igor, Colonies as systems of Turing machines without states, 189-198 [Zbl 1096.68622]Bordihn, Henning; Fernau, Henning, Accepting grammars and systems: an overview, 199-208 [Zbl 1096.68639]Cai, Liming, The computational complexity of PCGS with regular components, 209-219 [Zbl 1096.68640]Freund, Rudolf, Array grammar systems with prescribed teams of array productions, 220-229 [Zbl 1096.68642]Gärtner, Stefan, On partition limited 0L systems, 230-236 [Zbl 1096.68643]Hromkovič, Juraj, On the communication complexity of distributive language generation, 237-246 [Zbl 1096.68630]Mihalache, Valeria, Szilard languages associated to parallel communicating grammar systems, 247-256 [Zbl 1096.68664]Rambow, Owen, Imposing vertical context conditions on derivations, 257-266 [Zbl 1096.68647]Satta, Giorgio, The membership problem for unordered vector languages, 267-275 [Zbl 1096.68631]Dörr, Heiko, Computing an upper bound for SVS(gg) by abstract interpretation, 279-288 [Zbl 1096.68641]Drewes, Frank, On the connectedness of pictures defined by iterated function systems, 289-298 [Zbl 1096.68628]Giammarresi, Dora, Finite state recognizability for two-dimensional languages: a brief survey, 299-308 [Zbl 1096.68655]Hartmann, Peter, Efficient subgraph matching within cellular hypergraphs, 309-318 [Zbl 1096.68645]Stiebe, Ralf, Some new decision results for edge grammars, 329-338 [Zbl 1096.68648]Calbrix, Hugues; Nivat, Maurice, Prefix and period languages of rational \(\omega\)-languages, 341-349 [Zbl 1096.68651]Lepistö, Arto, On the computational complexity of infinite words, 350-359 [Zbl 1096.68661]Litovsky, Igor; Staiger, Ludwig, Finite acceptance of infinite words, 360-369 [Zbl 1096.68663]Diekert, Volker; Gastin, Paul; Petit, Antoine, Recent developments in trace theory, 373-385 [Zbl 1096.68652]Droste, Manfred; Kuske, Dietrich, Trace languages definable with modular quantifiers, 386-395 [Zbl 1096.68653]Tiplea, Ferucio Laucenţiu; Ene, Christian, Hierarchies of Petri net languages and a super-normal form, 396-405 [Zbl 1096.68680]Cattaneo, Gianpiero; Formenti, Enrico; Mauri, Giancarlo, Rule space transformations and one-dimensional cellular automata, 409-419 [Zbl 1096.68675]Kutrib, Martin; Richstein, Jörg, Real-time one-way pushdown cellular automata languages, 420-429 [Zbl 1096.68676]Šíma, Jiří; Wiedermann, Jiří, Neural language acceptors. (Extended abstract), 430-439 [Zbl 1096.68649]Asveld, Peter R. J., Towards robustness in parsing – fuzzifying context-free language recognition, 443-453 [Zbl 1096.68650]Nitsche, Ulrich, A finitary-language semantics for propositional linear temporal logic, 482-489 [Zbl 1096.68672] Cited in 1 Review MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science 94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory 03-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations 68Q45 Formal languages and automata 68R15 Combinatorics on words 11B85 Automata sequences Keywords:Magdeburg (Germany); Proceedings; Conference; Language theory × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF