
On the \(q\)-polynomials in the exponential lattice \(x(s)=c_1q^s+c_3\). (English) Zbl 0956.33009

The authors study \(q\)-analogues in the non-uniform exponential lattice \(x(s)=c_1q^s+c_3\) of the discrete orthogonal polynomials. In the first part of this survey paper the authors describe general properties of the \(q\)-polynomials on non-uniform lattices. In the second part special emphasis is given to the case of the exponential lattice. Then the special case of \(q\)-analogues of the Hahn, Meixner and Krawtchouk polynomials is described. And in the last part the special case of \(q\)-analogues of the Charlier polynomials is treated in more details.


33D45 Basic orthogonal polynomials and functions (Askey-Wilson polynomials, etc.)
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