Kiers, Henk A. L. (ed.); Rasson, Jean-Paul (ed.); Groenen, Patrick J. F. (ed.); Schader, Martin (ed.) Data analysis, classification, and related methods. Papers from the 7th conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS-2000), Namur, Belgium, July 11–14, 2000. (English) Zbl 0976.00026 Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Berlin: Springer. xiv, 428 p. (2000). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The 1st conference 1987 has been reviewed (see Zbl 0732.00020).Indexed articles:Hartigan, J. A., Classifier probabilities, 3-22 [Zbl 1026.62064]Sato, Yoshiharu, An autonomous clustering technique, 23-28 [Zbl 1055.91069]Jardino, M., Unsupervised non-hierarchical entropy-based clustering, 29-34 [Zbl 1026.62068]Makarenkov, Vladimir; Legendre, Pierre, Improving the additive tree representation of a dissimilarity matrix using reticulations, 35-40 [Zbl 1184.62110]Ciok, Alicja, Double versus optimal grade clusterings, 41-46 [Zbl 1184.62104]Hajnal, Istvan; Loosveldt, Geert, The effects of initial values and the covariance structure on the recovery of some clustering methods, 47-52 [Zbl 1184.62106]Hennig, Christian, What clusters are generated by normal mixtures?, 53-58 [Zbl 1026.62067]Winsberg, Suzanne; De Soete, Geert, A bootstrap procedure for mixture models, 59-62 [Zbl 1026.62041]Devillez, Arnaud; Billaudel, Patrice; Lecolier, Gérard Villermain, A new criterion for obtaining a fuzzy partition from a hybrid fuzzy/hierarchical clustering method, 63-68 [Zbl 1184.62105]Gillet, A.; Botte-Lecocq, C.; Macaire, L.; Postaire, J.-G., Application of fuzzy mathematical morphology for unsupervised color pixels classification, 69-75 [Zbl 1031.68632]Watanabe, Norio; Imaizumi, Tadashi; Kikuchi, Toshiko, A hyperbolic fuzzy \(k\)-means clustering and algorithm for neural networks, 77-82 [Zbl 1029.62055]Makagonov, Pavel P.; Alexandrov, Mikhail A.; Sboychakov, Konstantin, A toolkit for development of the domain-oriented dictionaries for structuring document flows, 83-88 [Zbl 1184.62225]Wishart, David, Classification of single malt whiskies, 89-94 [Zbl 1184.62114]Valois, Jean-Paul, Robust approach in hierarchical clustering: Application to the sectorisation of an oil field, 95-100 [Zbl 1184.62113]Vos, Hans J., A minimax solution for sequential classification problems, 101-106 [Zbl 1026.62083]Pinto Doria, Isabel; Le Calvé, Georges; Bacelar-Nicolau, Helena, Comparison of ultrametrics obtained with real data, using the \(P_L\) and \(VAL_{Aw}\) coefficients, 107-112 [Zbl 1184.62111]Kuntz, P.; Henaux, F., Numerical comparisons of two spectral decompositions for vertex clustering, 113-118 [Zbl 1184.62107]Soares, Carlos; Brazdil, Pavel; Costa, Joaquim, Measures to evaluate rankings of classification algorithms, 119-124 [Zbl 1026.62066]Cucumel, Guy; Lapointe, François-Joseph, A general approach to test the pertinence of a consensus classification, 125-130 [Zbl 1026.62063]Bavaud, F., On a class of aggregation-invariant dissimilarities obeying the weak Huygens’ principle, 131-136 [Zbl 1029.62057]Fichet, B., A short optimal way for constructing quasi-ultrametrics from some particular dissimilarities, 137-141 [Zbl 1027.62048]Guénoche, A.; Grandcolas, S., Estimating missing values in a tree distance, 143-148 [Zbl 1026.62122]Levasseur, Claudine; Landry, Pierre-Alexandre; Lapointe, François-Joseph, Estimating trees from incomplete distance matrices: A comparison of two methods, 149-154 [Zbl 1184.62117]Martín-Fernández, J. A.; Barceló-Vidal, C.; Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Zero replacement in compositional data sets, 155-160 [Zbl 1101.62352]Ambroise, C.; Govaert, G., EM algorithm for partially known labels, 161-166 [Zbl 1029.62056]Bardos, Mireille, Detection of company failure and global risk forecasting, 169-174 [Zbl 1062.91560]Brito, Isabel; Celeux, Gilles, Discriminant analysis by hierarchical coupling in EDDA context, 175-180 [Zbl 1028.62051]Ferreira, Ana Sousa; Celeux, Gilles; Bacelar-Nicolau, Helena, Discrete discriminant analysis: The performance of combining models by a hierarchical coupling approach, 181-186 [Zbl 1028.62050]Chamlal, H.; Chah, S. Slaoui, Discrimination based on the atypicity index versus density function ratio, 187-192 [Zbl 1026.62061]Cappelli, Carmela; Mola, Francesco; Siciliano, Roberta, A third stage in regression tree growing: searching for statistical reliability, 193-198 [Zbl 1102.62312]Chauchat, J. H.; Rakotomalala, R., A new sampling strategy for building decision trees from large databases, 199-204 [Zbl 1102.68479]Conversano, Claudio; Mola, Francesco; Siciliano, Roberta, Generalized additive multi-model for classification and prediction, 205-210 [Zbl 1028.62052]Miglio, Rossella; Pillati, Marilena, Radial basis function networks and decision trees in the determination of a classifier, 211-216 [Zbl 1029.62058]Torgo, Luis; da Costa, J. Pinto, Clustered multiple regression, 217-222 [Zbl 1102.62338]Ultsch, Alfred, Visualisation and classification with artificial life, 229-234 [Zbl 1031.68569]Porzio, Giovanni C.; Ragozini, Giancarlo, Exploring the periphery of data scatters: Are there outliers?, 235-240 [Zbl 1026.62001]Rémon, Marcel, Discriminant analysis tools for non convex pattern recognition, 241-246 [Zbl 1026.62062]Sbihi, A.; Moussa, A.; Benmiloud, B.; Postaire, J.-G., A Markovian approach to unsupervised multidimensional pattern classification, 247-252 [Zbl 1026.62101]Mizuta, Masahiro; Minami, Hiroyuki, An algorithm with projection pursuit for sliced inverse regression model, 255-260 [Zbl 1026.62071]Polasek, Wolfgang; Liu, Shuangzhe, Testing constraints sand misspecification in VAR-ARCH models, 261-266 [Zbl 1026.62093]Rivas Moya, Teresa, Goodness of fit measure based on sample isotone regression of Mokken double monotonicity model, 267-272 [Zbl 1102.62316]Coppi, Renato; D’Urso, Pierpaolo, Fuzzy time arrays and dissimilarity measures for fuzzy time trajectories, 273-278 [Zbl 1102.62313]Vicari, Donatella, Three-way partial correlation measures, 279-284 [Zbl 1026.62059]Wasserman, Stanley; Pattison, Philippa, Statistical models for social networks, 285-295 [Zbl 1062.91598]Trejos, Javier; Castillo, William; González, Jorge; Villalobos, Mario, Application of simulated annealing in some multidimensional scaling problems, 297-302 [Zbl 1101.91354]Bonnevay, S.; Largeron-Leteno, C., Data analysis based on minimal closed subsets, 303-308 [Zbl 1102.62301]Van Aelst, Stefan; Van Driessen, Katrien; Rousseeuw, Peter J., A robust method for multivariate regression, 309-314 [Zbl 1026.62029]Gather, Ursula; Becker, Claudia; Kuhnt, Sonja, Robust methods for complex data structures, 315-320 [Zbl 1028.62016]Dehon, Catherine; Filzmoser, Peter; Croux, Christophe, Robust methods for canonical correlation analysis, 321-326 [Zbl 1026.62060]Ohsumi, Noboru, From data analysis to data science, 327-334 [Zbl 1101.62301]Hayashi, Chikio, Evaluation of data quality and data analysis, 335-340 [Zbl 1102.62305]De Cantis, Stefano; Oliveri, Antonino M., Collapsibility and collapsing multidimensional contingency tables – perspectives and implications, 341-346 [Zbl 1026.62058]Vehovar, Vasja; Manfreda, Katja Lozar; Batagelj, Zenel, Data collected on the Web, 347-352 [Zbl 1031.68992]Yoshimura, Osamu; Ohsumi, Noboru, Some experimental surveys on the WWW environments in Japan, 353-358 [Zbl 1031.68993]Scagni, Andrea, Bootstrap goodness-of-fit tests for complex survey samples, 359-365 [Zbl 1027.62029]Billard, L.; Diday, E., Regression analysis for interval-valued data, 369-374 [Zbl 1026.62073]de Carvalho, Francisco de A. T.; de F. Anselmo, Cezar A.; de Souza, Renata M. C. R., Symbolic approach to classify large data sets, 375-380 [Zbl 1102.62308]Lauro, N. C.; Verde, R.; Palumbo, F., Factorial methods with cohesion constraints on symbolic objects, 381-386 [Zbl 1027.62045]Verde, Rosanna; de Carvalho, Francisco de A. T.; Lechevallier, Yves, A dynamical clustering algorithm for multi-nominal data, 387-393 [Zbl 1026.62069]Hébrail, Georges; Lechevallier, Yves, DB2SO: a software for building symbolic objects from databases, 395-400 [Zbl 1102.62306]Bisdorff, Raymond; Diday, Edwin, Symbolic data analysis of the SODAS software in official statistics, 401-407 [Zbl 1102.62300]Bravo, M. Carmen, Strata decision tree SDA software, 409-415 [Zbl 1102.62302]Gettler Summa, Mireille, Marking and generalization by symbolic objects in the Symbolic Official Data Analysis Software, 417-422 [Zbl 1102.62304] Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 1 Document MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 62-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to statistics 62H30 Classification and discrimination; cluster analysis (statistical aspects) 62-07 Data analysis (statistics) (MSC2010) Keywords:Proceedings; Conference; Data analysis; Namur (Belgium) Citations:Zbl 0732.00020 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF