
Theory of algebraic number fields. Translation from the 1897 German original. Reprint of the French edition 1909–1911. Réimpression du traduction français paru 1909–1911. (Théorie des corps de nombres algébriques. Traduit du 1897 édition allemand par Albert Lévy et Théophile Got.) (French) Zbl 0977.11500

Sceaux: Éditions Jacques Gabay. viii, 379 p. (1991).
This is a French translation of Hilbert’s well-known ‘Zahlbericht’ with a preface and notes by Georges Humbert, a foreword by Lévy and additional notes by Got. For a review of the original German edition, see Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 4, i–xviii, 175-546 (1897; JFM 28.0157.05). For reeditions and reprints see Zbl 0004.09801 (Gesammelte Abh., Springer, Berlin, 1932), Zbl 0195.00401 (Reprint 1970), Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse (3) 1, 257–328 (1909; JFM 41.0244.03), 2, 225–456 (1910; JFM 43.0269.02), and 3, 1–62 (1911; JFM 44.0240.01).


11-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to number theory
01A75 Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics
11Rxx Algebraic number theory: global fields