
The Blackwell guide to philosophical logic. (English) Zbl 0983.03001

Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. x, 510 p. (2001).

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[The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.]
From the Preface: This Guide introduces the many worlds of philosophical logic. Or perhaps I should say, many of the worlds of philosophical logic, for it cannot pretend completeness. That would be impossible. Nevertheless, these 20 chapters present a central core of what constitutes philosophical logic today, and they provide a solid foundation for further study. Each of these chapters is newly written for this volume by a distinguished scholar in its subject area. Their purpose is to provide the reader with basic knowledge of the current state of that aspect of philosophical logic, including its concepts, motivations, methods, major results, and even applications. Each chapter is independent of the others, so they can be read in any order or selected to suit different interests. I have, however, included cross-references among the chapters since their subjects often overlap.
This volume should be accessible and useful to anyone interested in philosophical logic, expert and non-expert alike. It could form the basis for a general course on philosophical logic, or it could serve as a supplementary resource and reference work for the study of its specialized topics. Experienced logicians will discover sufficient substance here to occupy their attention, while the general reader who merely wants to know what a subject is about will find a definitive introduction to that field. Philosophical logic is recommended not only for philosophers and logicians. These days, it is also of great importance for research in computer science, cognitive science, artificial intelligence (AI), and theoretical linguistics; and, like all logic, it belongs hand in hand with mathematics.
Logic is a technical discipline, with its specialized language, notation, and methods. As a result, a reader would benefit from having had a first course in formal logic, or from having studied any of countless elementary texts, and to have some familiarity with the logician’s language and techniques. Even so, the chapters here presume little and explain much, so that even the uninitiated reader should profit from them.
Indexed articles:
Goble, Lou, Introduction, 1-8 [Zbl 0996.03500]
Hodges, Wilfrid, Classical logic. I: First-order logic, 9-32 [Zbl 1003.03010]
Shapiro, Stewart, Classical logic. II: Higher-order logic, 33-54 [Zbl 0997.03003]
Burgess, John P., Set theory, 55-71 [Zbl 1025.03505]
Smullyan, Raymond, Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, 72-89 [Zbl 1014.03008]
Gupta, Anil, Truth, 90-114 [Zbl 1010.03004]
Blanchette, Patricia A., Logical consequence, 115-135 [Zbl 1012.03006]
Cresswell, M. J., Modal logic, 136-158 [Zbl 0998.03015]
Hilpinen, Risto, Deontic logic, 159-182 [Zbl 1001.03021]
Meyer, J.-J. Ch., Epistemic logic, 183-202 [Zbl 1016.03004]
Venema, Yde, Temporal logic, 203-223 [Zbl 0997.03019]
van Dalen, Dirk, Intuitionistic logic, 224-257 [Zbl 1002.03053]
Lambert, Karel, Free logics, 258-279 [Zbl 1003.03009]
Mares, Edwin D.; Meyer, Robert K., Relevant logics, 280-308 [Zbl 0999.03021]
Malinowski, Grzegorz, Many-valued logics, 309-335 [Zbl 0998.03021]
Horty, John F., Nonmonotonic logic, 336-361 [Zbl 1001.03032]
Hájek, Alan, Probability, logic, and probability logic, 362-384 [Zbl 1008.03013]
Edgington, Dorothy, Conditionals, 385-414 [Zbl 1010.03005]
Wansing, Heinrich, Negation, 415-436 [Zbl 1010.03006]
Westerståhl, Dag, Quantifiers, 437-460 [Zbl 0997.03037]
ter Meulen, Alice, Logic and natural language, 461-483 [Zbl 0998.03025]


03-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations
03A05 Philosophical and critical aspects of logic and foundations
03-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations
00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest