
Multiscale problems in science and technology. Challenges to mathematical analysis and perspectives. Proceedings of the conference on multiscale problems in science and technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 3–9, 2000. (English) Zbl 0989.00039

Berlin: Springer. xii, 306 p. (2002).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Tartar, Luc, Mathematical tools for studying oscillations and concentrations: From Young measures to \(H\)-measures and their variants, 1-84 [Zbl 1015.35001]
Chavanis, Pierre-Henri, Statistical mechanics of violent relaxation in stellar systems, 85-116 [Zbl 1010.35108]
Del Piero, Gianpietro, On the role of interface energies in the description of material behavior, 117-128 [Zbl 1010.35109]
Engquist, Björn; Runborg, Olof, Projection generated homogenization, 129-150 [Zbl 1015.35012]
Clopeau, Thierry; Ferrín, Jose Luis; Mikelić, Andro, Derivation of the diphasic Biot’s law for an elastic solid matrix containing isolated fluid drops, 151-160 [Zbl 1019.35010]
Guiaş, Flavius, Mesoscopic models of reaction-diffusion processes with exclusion mechanism, 161-173 [Zbl 1024.35009]
Eck, Christof; Knabner, Peter, Two-scale models for liquid-solid phase transitions in binary material with equiaxed microstructure., 175-187 [Zbl 1038.80005]
Gipouloux, Olivier; Marušić-Paloka, Eduard, Asymptotic behaviour of the incompressible Newtonian flow through thin constricted fracture, 189-202 [Zbl 1009.35068]
Matache, Ana-Maria; Schwab, Christoph, Finite dimensional approximations for elliptic problems with rapidly oscillating coefficients, 203-242 [Zbl 1165.35307]
Neuss-Radu, Maria, The failure of uniform exponential decay for boundary layers., 243-250 [Zbl 1165.35315]
Kleptsyna, Marina; Piatnitski, Andrey, Homogenization of random nonstationary convection-diffusion problem, 251-270 [Zbl 1015.35011]
Raguž, Andrija, Remarks on \(\Gamma\)-convergence of penalized functionals of Ginzburg-Landau type in one dimension., 271-282 [Zbl 1035.49011]
Schweizer, Ben, Homogenization of a free boundary problem: the no-slip condition., 283-290 [Zbl 1165.35316]
Wehrse, Rainer, Radiative transfer with many spectral lines, 291-306 [Zbl 1013.85003]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
35-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to partial differential equations
76-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to fluid mechanics
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