Radzikowska, Anna Maria; Kerre, Etienne E. A comparative study of fuzzy rough sets. (English) Zbl 1004.03043 Fuzzy Sets Syst. 126, No. 2, 137-155 (2002). A new approach to the fuzzification of well-known Pawlak’s rough sets is discussed. New sets, called \(({\mathcal I},{\mathcal T})\)-fuzzy sets, are introduced, where \({\mathcal I}\) is an implicator, i.e., a function \({\mathcal I}:[0,1]^2 \to[0,1]\) satisfying the conditions: \({\mathcal I}(1,0)=0\), \({\mathcal I}(0,0)={\mathcal I}(0,1)={\mathcal I}(1,1)=1\), and \({\mathcal T}\) is a triangular norm, i.e., an increasing, associative and commutative mapping \({\mathcal T}:[0,1]^2\to [0,1]\) that satisfies the boundary condition for all \(x\in[0,1]:{\mathcal T}(x,1)=x\). The basic properties of the new sets are given. Reviewer: Krassimir Atanassov (Sofia) Cited in 4 ReviewsCited in 250 Documents MSC: 03E72 Theory of fuzzy sets, etc. Keywords:fuzzification of rough sets; implicator; triangular norm × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Dubois, D.; Prade, H., Rough fuzzy sets and fuzzy rough sets, Internat. J. General Systems, 17, 2-3, 191-209 (1990) · Zbl 0715.04006 [2] Dubois, D.; Prade, H., Putting fuzzy sets and rough sets together, (Słowiński, R., Intelligent Decision Support (1992), Kluwer Academic: Kluwer Academic Dordrecht), 203-232 [3] E.E. Kerre (Ed.), Introduction to the Basic Principles of Fuzzy Set Theory and Some of Its Applications, Communication & Cognition, Gent, 1993.; E.E. Kerre (Ed.), Introduction to the Basic Principles of Fuzzy Set Theory and Some of Its Applications, Communication & Cognition, Gent, 1993. [4] Klir, G. 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