Stoer, J.; Bulirsch, R. Introduction to numerical analysis. Transl. from the German by R. Bartels, W. Gautschi, and C. Witzgall. 3rd ed. (English) Zbl 1004.65001 Texts in Applied Mathematics. 12. New York, NY: Springer. xv, 744 p. (2002). In this third edition [for a review of the second one (1993) see Zbl 0771.65002 and of the first one (1980) see Zbl 0423.65002], one finds several additions: B-splines are used in the context of multi-resolution methods (application is signal processing), the solution of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with discontinuities and multiple shooting methods with discontinuities for ODEs depending on parameters (applications in identification), Krylov subspace methods are developed. Reviewer: A.Akutowicz (Berlin) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 492 Documents MSC: 65-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to numerical analysis 65Dxx Numerical approximation and computational geometry (primarily algorithms) 65G50 Roundoff error 65Fxx Numerical linear algebra 65Hxx Nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations 65Lxx Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations 65T60 Numerical methods for wavelets Keywords:interpolation; numerical lines algebra; iterative methods; root finding; textbook; eigenvalue problem; solution of ODEs; large systems; B-splines; multi-resolution methods; multiple shooting; discontinuities; Krylov subspace methods Citations:Zbl 0329.65001; Zbl 0395.65002; Zbl 0375.65001; Zbl 0693.65001; Zbl 0553.65004; Zbl 0245.65001; Zbl 0257.65001; Zbl 0771.65002; Zbl 0423.65002 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF