Neyman, Abraham (ed.); Sorin, Sylvain (ed.) Stochastic games and applications. Lectures given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on “Stochastic games and applications”, Stony Brook, NY, USA, July 1999. On the occasion of L. S. Shapley’s eightieth birthday. (English) Zbl 1027.00040 NATO ASI Series. Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 570. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ix, 473 p. (2003). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Shapley, L. S., Stochastic games, 1-7 [Zbl 1180.91042]Neyman, Abraham, From Markov chains to stochastic games, 9-25 [Zbl 1153.91331]Sorin, Sylvain, Classification and basic tools, 27-36 [Zbl 1096.91005]Vrieze, O. J., Stochastic games and stationary strategies, 37-50 [Zbl 1093.91007]Sorin, Sylvain, Discounted stochastic games: The finite case, 51-55 [Zbl 1180.91044]Neyman, Abraham, Real algebraic tools in stochastic games, 57-75 [Zbl 1161.91313]Nowak, Andrzej S., Zero-sum stochastic games with Borel state spaces, 77-91 [Zbl 1153.91333]Nowak, Andrzej S., \(N\)-person stochastic games: extensions of the finite state space case and correlation, 93-106 [Zbl 1153.91334]Mertens, Jean-François, A measurable “measurable choice” theorem, 107-130 [Zbl 1080.28009]Mertens, Jean-François; Parthasarathy, T., Equilibria for discounted stochastic games, 131-172 [Zbl 1153.91330]Neyman, Abraham, Stochastic games: existence of the minmax, 173-193 [Zbl 1153.91332]Thuijsman, Frank, The Big Match and the Paris Match, 195-204 [Zbl 1161.91314]Thuijsman, Frank, Repeated games with absorbing states, 205-213 [Zbl 1180.91048]Vrieze, O. J., Stochastic games, practical motivation and the orderfield property for special classes, 215-225 [Zbl 1151.91354]Raghavan, T. E. S., Finite-step algorithms for single-controller and perfect information stochastic games, 227-251 [Zbl 1153.91335]Thuijsman, Frank, Recursive games, 253-264 [Zbl 1153.91337]Solan, Eilon, Perturbations of Markov chains with applications to stochastic games, 265-280 [Zbl 1153.91336]Vieille, Nicolas, Two-player non-zero-sum games: a reduction, 281-292 [Zbl 1153.91339]Vieille, Nicolas, On a class of recursive games, 293-307 [Zbl 1153.91340]Solan, Eilon, Uniform equilibrium: More than two players, 309-321 [Zbl 1180.91043]Sorin, Sylvain, Symmetric incomplete information games as stochastic games, 323-334 [Zbl 1180.91045]Coulomb, Jean-Michel, Absorbing games with a signalling structure, 335-355 [Zbl 1180.91041]Maitra, A.; Sudderth, W., Stochastic games with lim sup payoff, 357-366 [Zbl 1151.91353]Maitra, A.; Sudderth, W., Stochastic games with Borel payoffs, 367-373 [Zbl 1153.91329]Sorin, Sylvain, Stochastic games with incomplete information, 375-395 [Zbl 1093.91006]Neyman, Abraham, Stochastic games and nonexpansive maps, 397-415 [Zbl 1093.91005]Sorin, Sylvain, The operator approach to zero-sum stochastic games, 417-426 [Zbl 1092.91502]Coulomb, Jean-Michel, Games with a recursive structure, 427-442 [Zbl 1092.91008]Amir, Rabah, Stochastic games in economics: The Lattice-theoretic approach, 443-453 [Zbl 1092.91006]Amir, Rabah, Stochastic games in economics and related fields: an overview, 455-470 [Zbl 1092.91007] Cited in 45 Documents MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 91-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to game theory, economics, and finance 91A15 Stochastic games, stochastic differential games Keywords:Stochastic games; Stochastic applications; Stony Brook, NY (USA); Birthday Biographic References: Shapley, L. S. PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Neyman} (ed.) and \textit{S. Sorin} (ed.), Stochastic games and applications. Lectures given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on ``Stochastic games and applications'', Stony Brook, NY, USA, July 1999. On the occasion of L. S. Shapley's eightieth birthday. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003; Zbl 1027.00040)