
Global theory of minimal surfaces. Proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute 2001 summer school, Berkeley, CA, USA, June 25–July 27, 2001. (English) Zbl 1078.53002

Clay Mathematics Proceedings 2. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Cambridge, MA: Clay Mathematics Institute (ISBN 0-8218-3587-4/pbk). xi, 800 p. (2005).

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Indexed articles:
Morgan, Frank; Ritoré, Manuel, Geometric measure theory and the proof of the double bubble conjecture, 1-18 [Zbl 1125.49033]
Weber, Matthias, Classical minimal surfaces in Euclidean space by examples: geometric and computational aspects of the Weierstrass representation, 19-63 [Zbl 1100.53015]
Polthier, Konrad, Computational aspects of discrete minimal surfaces, 65-111 [Zbl 1100.53014]
Schoen, Richard, Mean curvature in Riemannian geometry and general relativity, 113-136 [Zbl 1101.53038]
Karcher, Hermann, Introduction to conjugate plateau constructions, 137-161 [Zbl 1130.53010]
Pérez, Joaquín; López, Francisco, Parabolicity and minimal surfaces, 163-174 [Zbl 1100.53013]
Ros, Antonio, The isoperimetric problem, 175-209 [Zbl 1125.49034]
Wolf, Michael, Flat structures, Teichmüller theory and handle addition for minimal surfaces, 211-241 [Zbl 1109.53010]
Weber, Matthias; Hoffman, D.; Wolf, M., The genus-one helicoid as a limit of screw-motion invariant helicoids with handles, 243-258 [Zbl 1102.53008]
Hoffman, David, Computing minimal surfaces, 259-282 [Zbl 1111.53008]
Spruck, Joel, Geometric aspects of the theory of fully nonlinear elliptic equations, 283-309 [Zbl 1151.53345]
Karcher, Hermann, Hyperbolic surfaces of constant mean curvature one with compact fundamental domains, 311-323 [Zbl 1102.53045]
Choe, Jaigyoung, Isoperimetric inequalities of minimal submanifolds, 325-369 [Zbl 1101.53035]
Martín, Francisco, Complete nonorientable minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb R^3\), 371-380 [Zbl 1106.53006]
López, Francisco J., Some Picard-type results for properly immersed minimal surfaces \(\mathbb R^3\), 381-394 [Zbl 1111.53009]
Ritoré, Manuel, Optimal isoperimetric inequalities for three-dimensional Cartan-Hadamard manifolds, 395-404 [Zbl 1125.49032]
Colding, Tobias H.; Minicozzi, William P. II, Embedded minimal disks, 405-438 [Zbl 1109.53008]
Traizet, Martin, Construction of minimal surfaces by gluing Weierstrass representations, 439-452 [Zbl 1103.53004]
Meeks, William H. III, Global problems in classical minimal surface theory., 453-469 [Zbl 1100.53012]
Meeks, William H. III; Rosenberg, Harold, Minimal surfaces of finite topology, 471-488 [Zbl 1115.53007]
Kapouleas, Nikolaos, Constructions of minimal surfaces by gluing minimal immersions, 489-524 [Zbl 1100.53010]
Mazzeo, Rafe; Pacard, Frank; Pollack, Daniel, The conformal theory of Alexandrov embedded constant mean curvature surfaces in \(\mathbb R^3\), 525-559 [Zbl 1101.53006]
Rossman, Wayne; Umehara, Masaaki; Yamada, Kotaro, Constructing mean curvature \(0\) surfaces in \(H^3\) with irregular ends, 561-584 [Zbl 1100.53051]
Kusner, Rob, Conformal structures and necksizes of embedded constant mean curvature surfaces, 585-596 [Zbl 1103.53030]
Perez, Joaquín; Meeks, William H. III; Ros, Antonio, Uniqueness of the Riemann minimal surfaces, 597-610 [Zbl 1115.53009]
Yi, Fang, The mathematical protein folding problem, 611-622 [Zbl 1095.92044]
Tenenblat, Keti, Minimal and CMC surfaces obtained by Ribaucour transformations, 623-634 [Zbl 1106.53007]
Sa Earp, Ricardo; Toubiana, Eric, Meromorphic data for surfaces of mean curvature one in hyperbolic space. II, 635-654 [Zbl 1111.53048]
Schoen, Richard, Special Lagrangian submanifolds, 655-666 [Zbl 1102.53056]
Joyce, Dominic, Lectures on special Lagrangian geometry, 667-695 [Zbl 1102.53037]
Wolfson, Jon, Variational problems in Lagrangian geometry: \(\mathbb Z_2\)-currents, 697-704 [Zbl 1104.53061]
Hass, Joel, Minimal surfaces and the topology of three-manifolds, 705-724 [Zbl 1100.57021]
Rubinstein, J. Hyam, Minimal surfaces in geometric 3-manifolds, 725-746 [Zbl 1119.53042]
Große-Brauckmann, Karsten, Cousins of constant mean curvature surfaces, 747-767 [Zbl 1110.53041]
Topping, Peter, An approach to the Willmore conjecture, 769-772 [Zbl 1110.53004]
Mese, Chikako, Minimal surfaces and harmonic maps into singular geometry, 773-782 [Zbl 1102.53006]
Rubinstein, J. Hyam, Shortest networks in 2 and 3 dimensions, 783-790 [Zbl 1101.05026]


53-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to differential geometry
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
53A20 Projective differential geometry