
Generalized complex structures on nilmanifolds. (English) Zbl 1079.53106

This paper concerns classification of nilmanifolds \(M\) endowed with a so-called generalized complex strucure, (Hitchin), i.e., an almost complex structure \({\mathcal J}\) on the vector bundle \(\pi:E\equiv TM\oplus T^*M\to M\), such that it satisfies some further requirements: (i) \({\mathcal J}\) is orthogonal with respect to the natural inner product on sections of \(E\to M\); (ii) the \(+i\)-eigenbundle of \({\mathcal J}\) is required to be involutive with respect to the Courant bracket. In particular the authors specialize their investigation on \(6\)-dimensional nilmanifolds, where there exist some types without standard complex or symplectic structure. The results presented in this paper are obtained with standard techniques of almost complex bundles geometry.


53C56 Other complex differential geometry
53C30 Differential geometry of homogeneous manifolds