Hashim, Ishak Adomian decomposition method for solving BVPs for fourth-order integro-differential equations. (English) Zbl 1093.65122 J. Comput. Appl. Math. 193, No. 2, 658-664 (2006). Summary: The Adomian decomposition method is applied to solve both linear and nonlinear boundary value problems (BVPs) for fourth-order integro-differential equations. The numerical results obtained with minimum amount of computation or mathematics compare reasonably well with exact solutions. Cited in 54 Documents MSC: 65R20 Numerical methods for integral equations 45J05 Integro-ordinary differential equations 45G10 Other nonlinear integral equations Keywords:Adomian decomposition method; fourth-order integro-differential equations; boundary value problems; numerical results PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. Hashim}, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 193, No. 2, 658--664 (2006; Zbl 1093.65122) Full Text: DOI References: [1] Abbaoui, K.; Cherruault, Y., New ideas for proving convergence of decomposition methods, Comput. Math. Appl., 29, 103-108 (1995) · Zbl 0832.47051 [2] Adomian, G., Solving Frontier Problems of Physics: The Decomposition Method (1994), Kluwer Academic: Kluwer Academic Dordrecht · Zbl 0802.65122 [3] Agarwal, R. P., Boundary Value Problems for High Ordinary Differential Equations (1986), World Scientific: World Scientific Singapore · Zbl 0598.65062 [4] Wazwaz, A. M., A reliable algorithm for solving boundary value problems for higher-order integro-differential equations, Appl. Math. Comput., 118, 327-342 (2001) · Zbl 1023.65150 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.