Zhang, Xian-Ming; Wu, Min; She, Jin-Hua; He, Yong Delay-dependent stabilization of linear systems with time-varying state and input delays. (English) Zbl 1093.93024 Automatica 41, No. 8, 1405-1412 (2005). Summary: The integral-inequality method is a new way of tackling the delay-dependent stabilization problem for a linear system with time-varying state and input delays: \[ \dot x(t)= Ax(t)+ A_1x(t-h_1(t))+ B_1u(t)+ B_2u(t-h_2(t)) . \]In this paper, a new integral inequality for quadratic terms is first established. Then, it is used to obtain a new state- and input-delay-dependent criterion that ensures the stability of the closed-loop system with a memoryless state feedback controller. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to demonstrate that control systems designed based on the criterion are effective, even though neither \((A,B_1)\) nor \((A+A_1,B_1)\) is stabilizable. Cited in 158 Documents MSC: 93D15 Stabilization of systems by feedback 93C23 Control/observation systems governed by functional-differential equations Keywords:Input delays; State delays; Delay-dependent stability; Stabilization; Integral inequality; Linear matrix inequality (LMI) Software:LMI toolbox; Optimization Toolbox × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Artstein, Z., Linear systems with delayed control: A reduction, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 27, 869-879 (1982) · Zbl 0486.93011 [2] Barmish, B. R., Necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stabilizability of an uncertain system, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 46, 4, 399-408 (1985) · Zbl 0549.93045 [3] Bernussou, J.; Peres, P. L.D.; Geromel, J. C., A linear programming oriented procedure for quadratic stabilization of uncertain systems, Systems & Control Letters, 13, 1, 65-72 (1989) · Zbl 0678.93042 [4] Choi, H. H.; Chung, M. 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