
Differential geometry and its applications. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on differential geometry and its applications, DGA 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, August 30–September 3, 2004. (English) Zbl 1097.53001

Prague: matfyzpress (ISBN 80-86732-63-0/pbk). xvi, 644 p. (2005).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference (2001) has been reviewed (see Zbl 1019.00519 and Zbl 1008.00021).
Indexed articles:
Apanasov, Boris, Almost nilpotent manifolds with pinched negative curvature, 1-13 [Zbl 1117.53032]
Blažić, Novica; Gilkey, Peter, Conformally Osserman manifolds and self-duality in Riemannian geometry, 15-18 [Zbl 1117.53028]
Calvaruso, Giovanni, Symmetry conditions on conformally flat Riemannian manifolds, 19-27 [Zbl 1112.53022]
Dunn, Corey; Gilkey, Peter; Nikčević, Stana, Curvature homogeneous signature \((2,2)\) manifolds, 29-44 [Zbl 1121.53016]
Futaki, Akito, Stability, integral invariants and canonical Kähler metrics, 45-58 [Zbl 1112.53056]
Hrimiuc, Dragos; Popescu, Liviu, Geodesics of sub-Finslerian geometry, 59-67 [Zbl 1112.53020]
Hurtado, Ana, Generalized energy of Hopf vector fields on Berger’s 3-spheres, 69-77 [Zbl 1112.53024]
Lauret, Jorge, Minimal metrics on nilmanifolds, 79-97 [Zbl 1113.53033]
Murathan, C.; Arslan, K.; Ezentaş, R., Ricci generalized pseudo-parallel immersions, 99-108 [Zbl 1105.53015]
Ṣentürk, Zerrin, On warped product manifolds, 109-117 [Zbl 1105.53011]
Tamaru, Hiroshi, A class of noncompact homogeneous Einstein manifolds, 119-127 [Zbl 1112.53035]
Cañete, Antonio, Some planar multiple isoperimetric problems, 129-138 [Zbl 1111.49029]
Fernández, Isabel; López, Francisco J., Explicit construction of maximal surfaces with singularities in complete flat 3-manifolds, 139-150 [Zbl 1114.53055]
Gálvez, José A.; Mira, Pablo, An alternative proof of the Bryant representation, 151-155 [Zbl 1108.53029]
Munteanu, Marian-Ioan, CR-structures of CR-codimension 2 on hypersurfaces in Sasakian manifolds, 157-163 [Zbl 1109.53033]
Rosales, César, Stable constant mean curvature hypersurfaces inside convex domains, 165-177 [Zbl 1123.53008]
Aldea, Nicoleta, Complex Finsler spaces of constant holomorphic curvature, 179-190 [Zbl 1111.53058]
Balashchenko, Vitaly V., Canonical \(f(5,1)\)-structures on homogeneous \(k\)-symmetric spaces, 191-201 [Zbl 1117.53027]
Doubrov, Boris; Žádník, Vojtěch, Equations and symmetries of generalized geodesics, 203-216 [Zbl 1114.53045]
Doupovec, Miroslav; Mikulski, Włodzimierz M., Prolongation of connections to vertical bundles, 217-227 [Zbl 1109.58003]
Fernández, Marisa; Muñoz, Vicente; Ugarte, Luis, The \(d\delta\)-lemma for weakly Lefschetz symplectic manifolds, 229-246 [Zbl 1110.53059]
Gover, A. Rod, Almost conformally Einstein manifolds and obstructions, 247-260 [Zbl 1121.53032]
Harris, Adam, On linking of \(J\)-holomorphic curves with periodic orbits of a contact structure, 261-267 [Zbl 1117.53061]
Hrdina, Jaroslav, \(\mathbb H\)-planar curves, 269-276 [Zbl 1117.53053]
Hwang, Jun-Muk, Liouville theorem for geometric structures arising from minimal rational curves, 277-287 [Zbl 1107.53008]
Janyška, Josef, Natural connections given by general linear and classical connections, 289-303 [Zbl 1108.53017]
Kolář, Ivan, Functorial prolongations of Lie algebroids, 305-314 [Zbl 1114.58010]
Kolář, Martin, Local invariants of weakly pseudoconvex manifolds in \(\mathbb C^2\), 315-321 [Zbl 1117.32021]
Kraus, Margarita, Curvature bounds for asymptotically flat manifolds and the spinor operator, 323-332 [Zbl 1121.53048]
Krýsl, Svatopluk, A description of \({\mathfrak p}\)-homomorphisms between harmonic modules in projective contact geometry, 333-340 [Zbl 1149.17300]
Kurek, J.; Mikulski, W. M., Canonical affinors on the tangent bundle of a symplectic manifold, 341-348 [Zbl 1105.53059]
Al Lamy, Raad J.; Mikeš, Josef; Škodová, Marie, On linearly \(pF\)-planar mappings, 349-355 [Zbl 1114.53012]
Návrat, Aleš, Nonstandard invariant operators on quaternionic geometries, 357-365 [Zbl 1112.53036]
Zelenko, Igor, Complete systems of invariants for rank 1 curves in Lagrange Grassmannians, 367-382 [Zbl 1110.53062]
Alonso, R.; Jiménez, S.; Rodríguez, J., Differential correspondences and characteristics, 383-395 [Zbl 1115.35302]
Asada, Akira, Regularized volume form of the sphere of a Hilbert space with the determinant bundle, 397-409 [Zbl 1117.58004]
Benito, Roberto; Martín de Diego, David, Hidden symplecticity in Hamilton’s principle algorithms, 411-419 [Zbl 1149.70319]
Benn, I. M.; Kress, J. M., Symmetry operators for the Dirac and Hodge-deRham equations, 421-430 [Zbl 1109.53038]
Borgiel, Włodzimierz, The gravitational field of the Gödel space-time, 431-435 [Zbl 1112.53050]
Cariñena, José F.; Ramos, Arturo, Lie systems and connections in fibre bundles: applications in quantum mechanics, 437-452 [Zbl 1104.81054]
Crampin, M., On the orthogonal separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for geodesics in a Riemannian manifold, 453-466 [Zbl 1114.53038]
Saunders, D. J., Sprays and Cartan projective connections, 467-478 [Zbl 1109.53018]
Baird, Paul; Eastwood, Michael, Conjugate functions and semiconformal mappings, 479-486 [Zbl 1107.53024]
Hall, G. S., Geometric foundations of classical general relativity theory, 487-498 [Zbl 1106.83008]
Kiselev, Arthemy V.; Manno, Gianni, On the symmetry structure of the minimal surface equation, 499-506 [Zbl 1111.49027]
Langerock, B., Leafwise holonomy in reduction of non-holonomic systems, 507-516 [Zbl 1112.53007]
Léandre, Rémi, A geometrical hypoelliptic diffusion, 517-521 [Zbl 1107.53022]
Mestdag, Tom, A Lie algebroid approach to Lagrangian systems with symmetry, 523-535 [Zbl 1105.70009]
Sarlet, W., Adjoint symmetries in non-holonomic mechanics, 537-548 [Zbl 1368.70024]
Smirnov, Roman; Yue, Jin, A moving frames technique and the invariant theory of Killing tensors, 549-558 [Zbl 1109.58038]
Brajerčík, J.; Krupka, D., Variational principles on frame bundles, 559-569 [Zbl 1111.49030]
Czudková, Lenka; Janová, Jitka; Musilová, Jana, Non-holonomic mechanical systems and variational principle, 571-579 [Zbl 1329.70038]
Ferreiro Pérez, R., On the equivariant variational bicomplex, 581-590 [Zbl 1109.58004]
Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Winterroth, E., Second variational derivative of gauge-natural invariant Lagrangians and conservation laws, 591-604 [Zbl 1109.58005]
Krupka, Demeter; Krupková, Olga; Prince, Geoff; Sarlet, Willy, Contact symmetries and variational sequences, 605-615 [Zbl 1115.49035]
Krupka, Demeter; Šeděnková, Jana, Variational sequences and Lepage forms, 617-627 [Zbl 1115.35349]
Matsyuk, Roman, Canonical formalism for quasi-classical particle “Zitterbewegung” in Ostrohrads’kyj mechanics, 629-637 [Zbl 1329.70043]
Muñoz Masqué, J.; Rosado, M. Eugenia, Covariant Hamiltonians for diffeomorphism-invariant Lagrangians on linear frame bundles, 639-644 [Zbl 1110.58012]


53-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to differential geometry
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest