
On some features of asymptotically quasi-inverse functions and their applications. I. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1103.26001

Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 70, 9-25 (2004); translation in Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 70, 11-28 (2005).
A function \(\tilde f^{(-1)}\) is called asymptotically quasi inverse (a.q.i.) to \(f: R\to R\) if \(f(\tilde f^{(-1)}(t))\sim t\) as \(t\to\infty\) and asymptotically inverse if it is a.q.i. and \(\tilde f^{(-1)}(f(t))\sim t\). For \(c>0\) denote \(f^*(c)=\lim\sup_{t\to\infty} f(ct)/f(t)\), \(f_*(c)=\lim\inf_{t\to\infty} f(ct)/f(t)\). A function \(f\) is called pseudo regularly varying (PRV) if \(\lim\sup_{c\to 1} f^*(c)=1\) (for regularly varying functions \(f^*(c)\to 1\) as \(c\to 1\)). A PRV function \(f\) is called POV if \(f_*(c)>1\) for all \(c>1\). Different features of PRV and POV functions are investigated. E.g. it is shown that a.q.i. functions exist for PRV functions and a.i. functions exist for POV functions.


26A12 Rate of growth of functions, orders of infinity, slowly varying functions
60F15 Strong limit theorems