
Geometry and topology of manifolds. The mathematical legacy of Charles Ehresmann. On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his birthday. Proceedings of the conference, Bȩdlewo, Poland, May 8–15, 2005. (English) Zbl 1112.57300

Banach Center Publications 76. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics. 532 p. (2007).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Ehresmann, Andrée C., How Charles Ehresmann’s vision of geometry developed with time, 29-34 [Zbl 1213.53006]
Libermann, Paulette, Charles Ehresmann’s concepts in Differential Geometry, 35-50 [Zbl 1116.53001]
Brown, Ronald, Three themes in the work of Charles Ehresmann: local-to-global; groupoids; higher dimensions, 51-63 [Zbl 1123.01015]
Marle, Charles-Michel, The works of Charles Ehresmann on connections: from Cartan connections to connections on fibre bundles, 65-86 [Zbl 1116.53003]
Pradines, Jean, In Ehresmann’s footsteps: from group geometries to groupoid geometries, 87-157 [Zbl 1126.58008]
Tulczyjew, Włodzimierz M., Evolution of Ehresmann’s jet theory, 159-176 [Zbl 1115.58004]
Kolář, Ivan, Functorial prolongations of Lie groupoids, 177-184 [Zbl 1115.58003]
Kock, Anders, Principal bundles, groupoids, and connections, 185-200 [Zbl 1121.51012]
Rodrigues, Alexandre A. M., Contact and equivalence of submanifolds of homogeneous spaces, 201-206 [Zbl 1137.53008]
Hausmann, Jean-Claude; Rodriguez, Eugenio, Holonomy orbits of the snake charmer algorithm, 207-219 [Zbl 1122.53027]
Monthubert, Bertrand, Contribution of noncommutative geometry to index theory on singular manifolds, 221-237 [Zbl 1147.58021]
Wu, Wen-Tsun, On generalized Chern classes and Chern numbers of irreducible complex algebraic varieties with arbitrary singularities, 239-242 [Zbl 1213.14014]
Mishchenko, Alexandr S., \(K\)-theory over \(C^*\)-algebras, 245-266 [Zbl 1140.46030]
Eichhorn, Jürgen, Characteristic numbers, bordism theory and the Novikov conjecture for open manifolds, 269-312 [Zbl 1128.57027]
Grabowski, Janusz; Poncin, Norbert, On quantum and classical Poisson algebras, 313-324 [Zbl 1209.17018]
Huebschmann, Johannes, Singular Poisson-Kähler geometry of certain adjoint quotients, 325-347 [Zbl 1209.53064]
Iglesias-Zemmour, Patrick, Diffeology of the infinite Hopf fibration, 349-393 [Zbl 1115.58009]
Józefowicz, Małgorzata; Wolak, Robert, A few remarks on the geometry of the space of leaf closures of a Riemannian foliation, 395-409 [Zbl 1119.57011]
Khimshiashvili, G., Loop spaces and Riemann-Hilbert problems, 411-424 [Zbl 1115.58011]
Kubarski, Jan; Teleman, Nicolae, Linear direct connections, 425-436 [Zbl 1125.53018]
Lech, Jacek; Rybicki, Tomasz, Groups of \(C^{r,s}\)-diffeomorphisms related to a foliation, 437-450 [Zbl 1122.22002]
Popescu, Paul; Popescu, Marcela, Lagrangians and Hamiltonians on affine bundles and higher order geometry, 451-469 [Zbl 1123.53040]
Zhukova, Nina I., Singular foliations with Ehresmann connections and their holonomy groupoids, 471-490 [Zbl 1117.57027]
Blaga, Adara M., The reduction of the standard \(k\)-cosymplectic manifold associated to a regular Lagrangian, 491-495 [Zbl 1116.53057]
Doupovec, Miroslav; Mikulski, Włodzimierz M., Non-existence of exchange transformations of iterated jet functors, 497-504 [Zbl 1115.58002]
Ermolitski, Alexander A., Deformations of structures, embedding of a Riemannian manifold in a Kählerian one and geometric antigravitation, 505-514 [Zbl 1125.53021]
Boyom, Michel Nguiffo, Some Lagrangian invariants of symplectic manifolds, 515-525 [Zbl 1123.55002]
Sadowski, Michał, Holonomy groups of complete flat manifolds, 527-532 [Zbl 1122.53028]


53-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to differential geometry
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
57-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to manifolds and cell complexes
58-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to global analysis

Biographic References:

Ehresmann, Charles