
Poisson geometry in mathematics and physics. Proceedings of the international conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 5–9, 2006. (English) Zbl 1131.53002

Contemporary Mathematics 450. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-4423-6/pbk). xiii, 311 p. (2008).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Bieliavsky, Pierre; Claessens, Laurent; Sternheimer, Daniel; Voglaire, Yannick, Quantized anti de Sitter spaces and non-formal deformation quantizations of symplectic symmetric spaces, 1-24 [Zbl 1150.53029]
Blohmann, Christian; Weinstein, Alan, Group like objects in Poisson geometry and algebra, 25-39 [Zbl 1151.53067]
Brahic, Olivier; Fernandes, Rui Loja, Poisson fibrations and fibered symplectic groupoids, 41-59 [Zbl 1158.53064]
Bursztyn, Henrique; Cavalcanti, Gil R.; Gualtieri, Marco, Generalized Kähler and hyper-Kähler quotients, 61-77 [Zbl 1149.53017]
Cattaneo, Alberto S., Deformation quantization and reduction, 79-101 [Zbl 1149.53054]
Dufour, Jean-Paul, Examples of higher order stable singularities of Poisson structures, 103-111 [Zbl 1155.53049]
Gay-Balmaz, François; Ratiu, Tudor S., Poisson reduction and the Hamiltonian structure of the Euler-Yang-Mills equations, 113-126 [Zbl 1151.37057]
Holm, Tara S., Orbifold cohomology of abelian symplectic reductions and the case of weighted projective spaces, 127-146 [Zbl 1168.53040]
Ikeda, Noriaki, Deformation of graded Poisson (Batalin-Vilkovisky) structures, 147-161 [Zbl 1144.81029]
Karabegov, Alexander V., Deformation quantization of a Kähler-Poisson structure vanishing on a Levi nondegenerate hypersurface, 163-171 [Zbl 1151.53077]
Lu, Jiang-Hua, A note on Poisson homogeneous spaces, 173-198 [Zbl 1155.53050]
Meinrenken, E., Lectures on pure spinors and moment maps, 199-222 [Zbl 1148.53002]
Merkulov, S. A., Lectures on props, Poisson geometry and deformation quantization, 223-257 [Zbl 1149.53049]
Schapira, Pierre, Deformation quantization modules on complex symplectic manifolds, 259-271 [Zbl 1167.46043]
Van den Bergh, Michel, Non-commutative quasi-Hamiltonian spaces, 273-299 [Zbl 1236.58019]
Waldmann, Stefan, Locally noncommutative space-times, 301-311 [Zbl 1146.53071]


53-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to differential geometry
58-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to global analysis
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
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