Weigel, Erhard Behme, Thomas (ed.) Works. III. Analysis Aristotelica ex Euclide restituta. Edited by Thomas Behme. (Werke III. Analysis Aristotelica ex Euclide restituta.) (Latin, German) Zbl 1143.01007 Clavis Pansophiae 3, 3. Stuttgart: Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog (ISBN 978-3-7728-2375-6/hbk). lxv, 355 p. (2008). The aim of this ambitious work of Erhard Weigel, on whom more can be read in the review of the first volume of his collected works [Works I. Clavis Pansophiae 3, 1. (Stuttgart): Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co. (2003; Zbl 1096.01017)], is no less than to establish a general method for all scientific endeavors, based on the Analytics of an Aristotle ab omni naevo vindicatus, the flaws (naevo) being not those of the author of the Analytics, but those of an Aristotle disfigured by the Scholastics. The guide to the true Aristotle is Euclid, whose methodology, as read from the Elements, and from Proclus’s comments offers a concrete example for the set-up of a truly Aristotelian science. Of the three sections the work is divided into, the second one is the most relevant for the philosophy of mathematics, as it treats the principles of proof, with passages on definitions, axioms, and postulates. This scholarly edition contains an introduction summarizing in German the content of the Latin text, placing the work in the context of its time, mentioning the influence of Weigel on Leibniz and Christian Wolff, footnotes with comments on the text, and subject and name indexes. Reviewer: Victor V. Pambuccian (Phoenix) Cited in 2 Reviews MSC: 01A75 Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics 01A45 History of mathematics in the 17th century 00A30 Philosophy of mathematics Citations:Zbl 1096.01017 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF