
Proceedings of the Seminar on Spectral Theory and Geometry. 2006–2007. (Actes de Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie. Année 2006–2007.) (French) Zbl 1144.35003

Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie 25. St. Martin d’Hères: Université de Grenoble I, Institut Fourier. 226 p. (2007).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding seminar (2005-2006) has been reviewed (see Zbl 1115.35007).
Indexed articles:
Bedaride, Nicolas, Billiard combinatorics in polyhedra, 1-15 [Zbl 1166.37003]
Bertrand, Jérôme, Measure transport on an Alexandrov space, 17-24 [Zbl 1163.49043]
Borrelli, Vincent, Pointwise discrete curvature, 25-39 [Zbl 1182.65032]
Boscain, Ugo; Sigalotti, Mario, High-order angles in almost-Riemannian geometry, 41-54 [Zbl 1159.53320]
Colin de Verdière, Yves, Elastic wave equation, 55-69 [Zbl 1171.35427]
Isozaki, Hiroshi; Kurylev, Yaroslav; Lassas, Matti, Inverse scattering for waveguides, 71-83 [Zbl 1191.58008]
Juillet, Nicolas, Measure transport and synthetic Ricci curvatures in the Heisenberg group, 85-104 [Zbl 1183.53044]
Dal’Bo, Françoise; Kim, Inkang, Shadow lemma on the product of Hadamard manifolds and applications, 105-119 [Zbl 1163.53320]
Maillot, Sylvain, Some applications of Ricci flow to 3-manifolds, 121-148 [Zbl 1159.53338]
Pajot, Hervé, Bi-Lipschitz embeddings into Euclidian spaces, \(Q\)-curvature and quasi-conformal flow., 149-158 [Zbl 1159.53321]
Pansu, Pierre, Quasiisometric embeddings of the Heisenberg group into \(L^p\), after Cheeger, Kleiner, Lee, Naor, 159-176 [Zbl 1170.46304]
Potyagailo, Leonid, Noncoherence of certain nonuniform lattices in the group of isometries of hyperbolic space, 177-178 [Zbl 1158.22012]
Tessera, Romain, Large-scale isoperimetry on locally compact groups and applications, 179-188 [Zbl 1167.22004]
Will, Pierre, Lagrangian triangle groups in complex hyperbolic geometry, 189-209 [Zbl 1159.32007]
Ge, Yuxin, Generalized Yamabe problems and their generalizations, 211-226 [Zbl 1163.53325]


35-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to partial differential equations
53-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to differential geometry
58-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to global analysis
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1115.35007