Ong, Luke (ed.) Foundations of software science and computational structures. 13th international conference, FOSSACS 2010, held as part of the joint European conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2010, Paphos, Cyprus, March 20–28, 2010. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1185.68013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6014. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-12031-2/pbk). xv, 389 p. (2010). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference has been reviewed (see Zbl 1157.68009).Indexed articles:Schwinghammer, Jan; Yang, Hongseok; Birkedal, Lars; Pottier, François; Reus, Bernhard, A semantic foundation for hidden state, 2-17 [Zbl 1284.68376]Egger, Jeff; Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers; Simpson, Alex, Linearly-used continuations in the enriched effect calculus, 18-32 [Zbl 1284.68180]Murawski, Andrzej S.; Tzevelekos, Nikos, Block structure vs. scope extrusion: between innocence and omniscience, 33-47 [Zbl 1284.68106]Staton, Sam, Completeness for algebraic theories of local state, 48-63 [Zbl 1284.68205]Asarin, Eugene; Chane-Yack-Fa, Raphaël; Varacca, Daniele, Fair adversaries and randomization in two-player games, 64-78 [Zbl 1284.68378]Georgievska, Sonja; Andova, Suzana, Retaining the probabilities in probabilistic testing theory, 79-93 [Zbl 1284.68397]Wies, Thomas; Zufferey, Damien; Henzinger, Thomas A., Forward analysis of depth-bounded processes, 94-108 [Zbl 1284.68419]Popescu, Andrei; Gunter, Elsa L., Incremental pattern-based coinduction for process algebra and its Isabelle formalization, 109-127 [Zbl 1284.68432]Yoshida, Nobuko; Deniélou, Pierre-Malo; Bejleri, Andi; Hu, Raymond, Parameterised multiparty session types, 128-145 [Zbl 1284.68077]Acciai, Lucia; Boreale, Michele; Zavattaro, Gianluigi, On the relationship between spatial logics and behavioral simulations, 146-160 [Zbl 1284.03204]ten Cate, Balder; Fontaine, Gaëlle, An easy completeness proof for the modal \(\mu \)-calculus on finite trees, 161-175 [Zbl 1284.03213]Demri, Stéphane; Sangnier, Arnaud, When model-checking freeze LTL over counter machines becomes decidable, 176-190 [Zbl 1284.68394]Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis, Model checking is static analysis of modal logic, 191-205 [Zbl 1284.03210]Laroussinie, François; Meyer, Antoine; Petonnet, Eudes, Counting CTL, 206-220 [Zbl 1284.03149]To, Anthony Widjaja; Libkin, Leonid, Algorithmic metatheorems for decidable LTL model checking over infinite systems, 221-236 [Zbl 1284.68416]Chambart, Pierre; Schnoebelen, Philippe, Toward a compositional theory of leftist grammars and transformations, 237-251 [Zbl 1284.68322]Holtmann, Michael; Kaiser, Łukasz; Thomas, Wolfgang, Degrees of lookahead in regular infinite games, 252-266 [Zbl 1284.68401]Heußner, Alexander; Leroux, Jérôme; Muscholl, Anca; Sutre, Grégoire, Reachability analysis of communicating pushdown systems, 267-281 [Zbl 1284.68399]Cassez, Franck; van der Meyden, Ron; Zhang, Chenyi, The complexity of synchronous notions of information flow security, 282-296 [Zbl 1284.68385]Altenkirch, Thorsten; Chapman, James; Uustalu, Tarmo, Monads need not be endofunctors, 297-311 [Zbl 1284.18010]Milius, Stefan; Moss, Lawrence S.; Schwencke, Daniel, CIA structures and the semantics of recursion, 312-327 [Zbl 1284.68374]Schröder, Lutz; Pattinson, Dirk, Coalgebraic correspondence theory, 328-342 [Zbl 1284.03211]Tsukada, Takeshi; Kobayashi, Naoki, Untyped recursion schemes and infinite intersection types, 343-357 [Zbl 1284.68139]Pagani, Michele; Ronchi Della Rocca, Simona, Solvability in resource lambda-calculus, 358-373 [Zbl 1246.68086]Saurin, Alexis, A hierarchy for delimited continuations in call-by-name, 374-388 [Zbl 1284.03139] Cited in 1 Review MSC: 68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science 68Qxx Theory of computing 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest Citations:Zbl 1157.68009 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Ong} (ed.), Foundations of software science and computational structures. 13th international conference, FOSSACS 2010, held as part of the joint European conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2010, Paphos, Cyprus, March 20--28, 2010. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (2010; Zbl 1185.68013) Full Text: DOI